Archive for the ‘writing-in-itself’ Category

after. part one.

April 23, 2008

after.   Peter Ganick.      04.16.08. — 04.20.08.      part one.          


neighboring theologies and mirages offed on hands of animate cerulean bistros, tancredi visage for ironic lotus chelate unite ie vow feted on hearing slater, veil image ionic leisure, prius therefore oe ratifies lemma boer siamese zero mere. a mirage of penultimacy therein spatula vessels online weekly parachutes orange and fissile. light kerning alright, eldrige moving slightly reductive and realizing is whithers of dog-haha, mulled vintage abyssal tonics delve receivership the teleological mercenary bludgeoned form to laggard, open theologies the memorandum above-board withness on opacity’s mirage, leaning into paradigms visible entities meandering learning mushrooming cheap shipwreck delacle imperious terrarium leased on floodlit nimble, umbrage on sforzando. presiding viewpoints, refer fave maine, cleft pieta morning somewhere ivy hospice, emaciate vows noesis one of breaches the combo trafficking that persistence malleable accelerating indication’s blue gorilla, not happenstance signaling er dodo lingual festive motionless the acidty lest those of persistence vacancies those blotted out of sgraffito mealy bitterness abolished, nor familiar emceed ready through insolence preen sibling mirage bet judgment over llama gritty seeker aggressive outworn elephantine suv, largesse to bloat. levied on saltine stalks of wheat ie ao persistence eithered out of range. specious red vines on atomic isthmuses temporary and predatory. satori vetoing irreality of form. function falconer one settled widening somewhere ivory adroit mellowly parachutes engravure of pestle in activity cosmic webelos, mindstyle vantage. synonymous adding immaterial to evince, add persistence silencers on gaffe prussian blue, those fluidly presuming absurdity crimps totalities. rules of praxis admit well-knit vantage-points theirselves on factored mirrors while aggressive and festive. an incremental marginality evaluates norms igneous lapidaries those to run delta sprockets of jericho. as conduce from mirages, is celerac tunneling from assumed within aprille freely appearing on sighted malraux, the dissent memento mori largely astral potage in if leafed those lyrical ghosts. luge on fascicule parachutes when bleat mindstyle a seer with mere laggard, there bolshevik in systematic leanings, stripe vantage echoes those rendered on caloric mundane, bluely grissaile. icon and supreme, a free mingling weeps to crinkle worn the popularity, agonist talk down is rapping nowhere. gleams those persists. weighty but getting laudatory music closure of evocative sectionals. squirms vanes outrigger politic nounal dint of observations, ontology brooms down tarrying wiles of fanzine epochals. popularity invents spiral fenders, norms of derivative laughter not amplified, resistance least feral toon in partaken islands. motion’s bottomed in sepia, is and if rained freely, tjanting somewhere on valkyrie immersion. nearly omitted and regale for mirroring already the other waving reproduced comparisons between emotion lariats in brie, toxic sleigh-bells as ketones slip thorough frisson biasing so meticulous a dancer. where aspire eo accelerating in okefenoke language, mote with semaphore-glasses, at monist geraniums, enormous treasures opulent for which narrative oceans eleven somewhat in on fluid entropy, solace of the agit prop evacuees, determined to egage in silent repatriation. where in diapason the entity roves popular grammatic leanings, froth in gracious allowance meaning alright voiced the already bottle otherwise which is rewrapped on a value-driven silliness one salut for the empire. each nestling vacancy ppersists with dandor effectuated one slipping through each format, lineated from oceans to lighten hospice gratitudes heroic why tokens are long so einsteinean spacing of evaluations for messages oe input wiring esalen fetes out of laboratory rattan. got clever bitterness once en induces oeuvre language the hamper inviting lots each frisson of pardon. small ocean, witness a grandiose lag time foom granite willowly appotomax melee with singularrities everywhere, coastal chock the blackened fascicule of detente violin as ghent stargazer inaction vessels as beads in plywood somersault. yellow contort, erlebnis short phases of distancing each lee of parachute nub on certain laconic vats, precisely ins’ precursors of whole stamina descriptive total norumbega, midnight availing contour tendencies a natural concept sequential dilemma one sole to feral distraught for therein momentum screech valise opening while destination’s the same. without signal forming slightly appotomax grisaille tones for agit nice limitations for frictions thorough to panegyric. a plundered hearing heartful soulful least tether viewpoint stated in cramped qualia guerilla arrangements lightly sorted in back-rooms so gentrified. changing the release of system one’s locus opalescent to mitigate one once leaning within assumed sports clueless to agonize. as grained oeuf callow process of traffic on reined in salutes the motion so macadamize the paves oeuf inert lighthouse avails tensilar bluette omission sophistic while which assuage is tendency, freon the laughing trapeze milling bouts ventner blastocyte in availed of notion. as is unnecessary useless and important goers otherwise sodden oliphant collective of which arros con panna year-round opens the equation acting somatic. a cropped mirror actualizes weal of primrose klavierwerke motion of each lineage puma grist in on harpoon gestate spiral choices those fending either willowly sophistic, a mason for el dopamine syllogisms, tractor beadle witnessing soot and ghostly theatre. signs that pleat foom gritty pla ply the cooperative alarum gearing engaged within assumptions somewhat ten-foot pole grapples flag-bearing literature. as poking widely surmises form, one shelves a denier, one papyrus for elemental difficulties once lotto in grammar, nowhere atmospheric noun nuances each brocaded well out ofs and ifs however assumed a tensilar let to enroll parse the commotion. all the cake toned imparting lanes through a city empty slices well to evolve on signal of escape to relocate, non-happenstance, in regulars in the facetious mathematic luau grimly speaking. echo to the amplitude emotional christening, space bacchus trainspotting the event weekending each to regulate while improbably coarse collections seem to evaporate. where asylum greatly repeater involution of camped out-in-the-township writing had nominal nub snail mile inundate elastic the last eos. wrecking batons for immaterial gestures spiritually fascinating lean thorugh theology in chute of paradox. zero stile toon viewpoints online grassy knowledge of if itself savory cleats the motion now rest. wielding a machete simian to prehensilar voice-overs no scrounge, move to los angeles einstein waves down air-places as language fleels who knows where it goes is an obvious return to lineage of spirituality behaving on in the major d’omo sidereal shout for peace. nothing to give for gift issues otherwise somewhere indoctrinairee, competitive luau throaty input balast gift of dancing screen hypnosis willing the meaning reflected nor apse.. when simulacra invade scrapes of theme, a gift as gift ie ou ei nothing literal greatly precise not apperceived on mortises naively streaming. some comma will grippe louse freely simplicity tonation of feckless is the manner so legendary, making fro situated embossing, a naiad visits ei leitmotif laconic the durable incoherence already a tool okefenoke salut. if is nicely spaced for reunitings once more the entity. goal glow the chiasmus oeean early kudo ingot meringue for all-tine favorite calligrapheme slight of essence atomic naves eliciting also the means of today in on the feint of which lapis lazuli mean-tones, elastic voices neighbors dent unveil a seemly precision more tall tie does in backyard voracitites, leonine traction availing lifting street cars out of kangaroo therein so slight already iterative melee somewhat infatuted sensation. asap isvara host on varmint letterbox listing altered which in the crease of so, made easy, tempest on geranium leaves withdrawn something wiles combine a tenancy vessels in acacia meteors, the crysalis of doctrine nounal and unnecessarily opaque, otherwise an ingredient roving rough-shod the elemental overuse.  convenes a deity of for willing assignation mores theories contacting slices operating, leeway tentative throwaway imbeciles nearly meant for recuperating so mannered, slit the packet world watch intention crack urtext whiling combinations of better, no new ceramics leaning into bluettes willful that in venial prescient repetition ospreys combine to avow.  dearly shim on avenue of drama’s dreams which airport contact vineyard crossing, theory as blemish that theory aren’t yoga, nearly all lessons for each tentatively presumptuous etiologies. a rite of surname, each put-off each the impact reversal to tapas in spree of ceramic ahead wiling herald of bat indication’s melismatic eventuality, eager to w rite ahead on assumes nothing but each as if tenor of grasp indicates which adrenalin potentate merges no drift on unclear eventualities nothing gagged out of sleet in wind at backgammon stutters freely drama with something musicale deter witnesses of rafter-implacability. a narrower escutcheon varies the notions curling up renames in a book so march throughput indelible rendition something afloat inventing sleep as one grouses the familiar, weathering a dapper slink, in parallelis not happens throes in after, nothing not nothingness as aquamarine somewhat invective of for while parachuting sass out of crucible’s cinnamon, tow to garage. a combed literateur visible frantic to memorandum lenient tool of seedlings on fragrance which did or didn’t, enter trance modify caloric intake elan go vital paramours and paralegals, the contemplation of essence so repaid overly sizable consequences, noting the cars in parquet flings to thematic syllogisms nothing but as if is. caramel acceleration, the high-spin gifting which regrouped on assurance dint of breath taken into realization focus on ei nothingness discrete. jabbed outside imperative listed flakes all the lotto singers with astral closure, acorns curated for agreeable is tone tupperware. as miasm to recoup derive noesis foom gratitudes inward, to evolve in car packet neon slipperiness least knowhow to the essent bludgeonings seen on teevee. as assorted or either which naming sardonic attorneys toned through incident unheard solar penury, the accuracy of well-fed information’s cloister, a grammar once tided from ahead to effervesce on structured environmental-clinking those scholar’s detritus, not the more then so par teeth over integral generalization of colophon. aspirate wellness altering tubular beltway, crinkle semaphore opening door seek throughput where incurable knowhow field fractal imperative nothing to avenue intention peaceable literature, were timorously signatory to evacuate the building, borne thorugh a sublime nature of issue having font afflictive melee, not yet a maelstrom, leaning in. altima latinate, cairn foom elastic nothingness intractible mask ie evince particulate invasion, motionlessness a regulatory bloodletting red inactivity into garrulous nematodes lingual iwo jima therein spaces roomy enough for tree-emotion, evolution eagerly sotto voce, enormous cadillac one settle in thousand to resistance of strictures  nothing laughter solves as font ei theirselves on a deity scrambles dramas understood oops a reunification butting again more. as an algorithm solves ue those formalizing erase leisure other enormity of calendar those kept steady parachutes from the agoraphilia, network those depending relata expansion alright already summarized in the ending rewrap nounal viceroy not always, noon from asservation plus fifteen. the assurance met with feckless issue not surety of evolution freon slipperiness in vanishing so quasar-mirroring something already several steps away framing each directly the expectation noesis boeing titanium sleeves compared widely advocate slip through. reaching assurances hosers in the flickering light more no rhyme almost forgot to scrape thereby assuming already nothing where music is norm of finesse. four thee coerces nowhere invitation form on velcro mylar and supply of gram introduction mexican silhouettes, the dependency of music er slight on vale of seeking, so soap in mouth each echo dram on peerage tractor-beamed onto shore, ciaou therefore alright in on prasada ie uo lightness wildernesses widening, something spree outerware the shed of witness, med into car park suzerainty each infantile motorcade, soprano ocular that coldly seeks is lenient as collection of erasures, the cloak invited each on the mainsail rapport. returning something wild, ei ua involution merrily, a grainy stiletto vagrant on each choice to ebb ire oneselves in felt hat mention’s crabby eggshell. that be the viewpoints nothing leif eriksen contracts windowless rooms each lawyer on edge of cliff grateful achoo, hoedown elastic, noel official transept mirrored on its neon. ribbet relic rushed acolyte therefore rancor the alright is goer on know-it-all eachness availing neutrality forgone in repatriation reparation patriarchal the aggressive nature sleeved. inasmuch, the creator of goodness ness, homily ceo tao theirselves in avows the corona invaded on a voiceover noted afterthoughts in brainwave, once dotted a crummy coercion to reread on slipperiness’ cajun skank, seldom thief with each nature on lender’s feed, o’er which bridge contracted ivrogne combines the reactor involves. neruda oeuf les moeurs in constraint yellow gold their siren alighting something rewritten at whimsy correct eon eos thought ie ui vein of slat on elastic lender. incised on felt cipherous melodies behooves the mindstyle imperative htotherhood liaison throes goofed inactivity motionless in formalizing immersion tempestuous language. gradient foom illbient largesse normally on veriformal morbidity. calling stunt-rhythmic altering ia meekly is nothingness everywhere imagine toward everywhere licensed forages thoughts increase accelerating some activity excellence noon, trappings of excellence on prius language. manticore smite tjant of ewig lotto ramp shade oeuvre hardened on consequences of cracked pavement each hearing lariat knowledge, tenor of pla tympanum more there fro heing misanthrope etches laconic scratch, lender ostracization northern slipperiness ivory bluette on aicove tensilar viewpoints meringue the foundling meow no laddered outrigger on flaking sour eponymous laugh at alternative voices. a game plan pla euphonic rate-sharer, destination’s blunt vacancy, emotional deep island motion fossil escutcheon operatives normalize wooded lawns forced into graciousness one spatula tinker-tupperware, velour eindrucken seal in on the blurred impasses offered in gift feels those paradigms well-knotted cohere tensional beurre a massive theatre willingly perspectival of imparted lightness endures tent-roots vale to ebony crimp. maybe is as tis tow crises minister of warming sharing identities weaving wield no escort escarpment soot ingraciously predominant, which acts to generate prior essences tariff on asleep the feet litter box believer wires oversight mires on alcove cellar attic was station where impact elders. whimsy flaunts preened silt on veto lapidary slumber bundles software what else in bundt kale foom gratitude slam peer immerses temper heirless under artifacture impale ceo tension einsam leaning those happinesses of turn each a book io traffic nelly world less the awful vedette platypus beowulf gear fab, night mindstyle each wider ie acne eithered into teevee commmercial, peeve with a structure motionless, literally borg, nuance the shred ie lvan slicker uu imam bier on a chorale cerulean not there sudden nightshade bow tinkers thorough paradise from to as perplexity. sensation veers of tramper ivory clobber, indexical theatre oi lea imperative notion ewig meld with everyone the derision poetaster not hammering mahi-mahi leached out of elbow sites. on a stuoa in tibia leaning through simean lps, the grimace wah wah, cittern each issues. barter tend lucid ramifications lie downtime over assumptions re eos theory inarticulate void, ambrosia’s eloquence dardanelle to lariat brooming downtime also ceiling to ebonize unveil artifactured mirages. the least unearthed remotely so parapet, neutrality imbibes was noter of slumber patisserie at boss underfill on vacant ears lipid nature sacrificial edit, oleo ei thorough bellwether isvara, cleft int eo noel brooming salida for a flexibility of sword’s play nothingness altered fringe apexes nothing el athletic distancing note feral tunneling while additives meniscus feminist’s levee leeway old hammering alizarin fedora, elixir f papparazzi not something else nebulae on hold blood inert elasticity each the woof in action federal vein out ossification slur cleo tow throughput a grammatical leisure. this the struggle where silence once waited from a gift if gist tremulous eagerness lightly parapet. talk a front untimely prescience nothing within a surety of villanelle rhough is why is whereabouts japa frontage on beaching whales double skip. deriving altered atomic language, not each imperial rime to passel of surcharge. not oblivious narrowness avail tower naming eek outward liaison purely greater, mutate vigilance por favor leaning tore through incident malleable forms there crunch delete. in case coerces the compared merry-go-round, foo mainsail the proten silly ie ea nitrite picador somewhat of aria sensate mien for gratitude, pealing bellows the transience pro modified airight leasing something wahoo yarrow empyrean glimmers of electability, one steppe the crumble widely natural. for height to hearing eos therein slab invasive presuming as random the copping somewhat okay, loathsome predatory merging with shade each elides nothing lebens-freude. those parallel to niacins sported bys bustle the musicality, not thematic in listing group-songs those parachuting from to. each tectonic douanier the mullah visible on-site evacuation of erasure melee in crown lyre towhee the vanishing crowd imperative from aprille to echo loan long endymion escorting standing still while addressing some nothingness in cohering somewhere in declaration forms nounal being bright. mute alright on value to behave imprecise those returning neon strafing elements, one serrating slightly apperceived with latte and fusillade. a dint of brouhaha excelling widness of samovar the harsh indication offered on slight imperial night time issue roan flcking durables thoroughly put utterance lien for grapples the meaning to rescind mellowness apportioning slow hampering silence threnodies exacting each lotus-felled mobile, nothing windowless on assuming the rescuers weave conceptual recidivism nor the is hammer once blurrred. a real tourney viewpoints on hold enter first bulletins fading asservation, nor the absolution meaning trial sorrow, tensilar brooming of redundancy, both bothering nominal turbulence, a nightly sniper ei on a temperature once longing the cranial if breathed, gleans the potentate on receivers those summoning excavations mime trotter voice laboratory radiance. grit hampshire dulcet aplomb ire, not landscape in garish naming cluster-phobias near everlasting alarum is thankful the framboises grateful, no fickle crowd to endorse one salvage presentiment of acrostic naming lights. returning lariat euphonics heeding trashy collusion noting within assurance hounded from a core hounding lateral noxiousness isp on garden pollster in vitamin crawls a dormant leisure nothing narnia’s voice. exchequer involution manages the serenely propitious. leaching an echo feral tenor those pampered ingredients, edit moebius the transient velour mellowness inoperative closure, thensome the radical amulet lieu of crimp inert lair intent on gravitation, so slinks there foregrounding a surcharge melted from assent. helter-skelter invidiousness, one label per force the managerial suction in discretion for malleability crossed over. jamming crash heaters involve lineate for rasping graciousness invidious the occasion why not riddance fess tunnel ingredient exegesis notion enabling essence of trattoria’s vigilance tones out of lightness. numb eithered fro laboratory caliphate seeming presence of determines the combinations more erase thoroughly probable, ever the attention for gripping slices offering hampshire the container viewpoints improve impassive prelate ludic until pressurized minotaur evolutions the festive and respite welterweight heaving large egos theocracy bumble-bee hastening something the rhetorical nurture occasioned for bundling echoes is that itselves thought for is sympathetic resistance to effectual moot svelte, commissariat bluely indoctrinate mollusk veteran imparting suv melancholia deploy freely jammed importance each formless oblique nature so closure the addiction more empire lighthouse in variant for pell-mell acrimony there trouseaux devolve throne grams on pillars those redirected youth call noel theban serenely foresting a crosswire ivrogne realization of which artifacture fascinates tematic overshot. a random notion widely provided entr’acte more galleons pulsar bevels over a crown tented while assuming trailing ears, nothing weekly pressuring thresholds aver no otherness willful natures doors slammed burdensome watershed elasticity with serious nautical endorsements some sadness though freely addressed faced met with in assuming the hordes of parasites veering into scrawny isness another occasion either widely kitsch another visible to rescind implied systematization of elements. hymns traffic ingested frontal primacy lorded arrows, there containing systems with pure intends the is enacting a registration moonsong wiling notions rogue syllogisms nothingness one seraphim deleted for a gainer pulsed into severe ladders. laughter a range of suburban curtsies noted after tilde vocation mowing dependent certainties left to hatch oeuvre not is has that wears lurks thoroughly plausible one forming deity, manner of scrutiny opaque more noticed one forming previously accumulated impressions gift card. as per motorcade on introduction plausible those redux lotto christenings weal of the crop shared windowless retainer seer of the grapple witness. warm tussle the convincable vagrant renounces, detaining somewhat fallible therein saturating last-handed understanding left acrostic the anomaly of prescient modifiers naming react nottingham evolution somewhat the energy farming overture elongation curt lane of surge. a swimmingly fastidious replication for weathering somewhat of the rendered appliance tended to from as rescind is naught offices promulgate imperial crops. some pillar of analgous metier veldt on miasmic unanimity real widely third rail combo saveur otherwise the boot handed officious nothingness wielding summaries. as when is therefore si those henna matrices therefore suddenly a signifier trashed from together in on the ground floor those foreground bonds between renunciate betweens abelard human orange impartial. put thisness as accusatory terminal voiceovers, networking so amplitude isolate ghetto perplexity nothing less the group license. ascii forming added services, the thread of pullet mondays nearly a pilot nearly surveyed in assumed reverse grammars. happiness waves a hand for winning some sequence of derridean survey, not latent for crossover understood a frequent misqueue in the heirarchy tenaciously bleeding idem clueless imparting. woken noon tarot numbers with surveillance empty in sardonic fisheries, mellow there each is pre-cut reindeer, nature assigns reaction tones under urgent limitless anachronism texture each notion left to handle, their situation real what leaving what’s left out. inplacable the residue preened after thoughts wounded in prasada not the harvest impounded well religious compulsion flexibility aware after occasion template held bottled water on sham grimace detritus the lopped off was a message of sorrow behest if freely. one is accusation the motion worn through acetylene vacancies, nearly bounding through is world of own trammel winding down trail-blazing curtails. a grand real pretend numbers of is therefore un ondine the saturating of sensation furrow the arena of surcharge noun oeuvre crossed integral porridge nothing erased inflections of euphonics. logocentric vanishing points illbient for amicability more also nothingness on furlong leitmotif crayfish doubling as doubt furrow inflection manifestation los angeles luge ruhe and sample, there aspirate overhaul incoherence nine-o-tails snaked on arlesienne the ruble miffed out of eyrie and charlatan visage mistletoe determined parallels to the ambiguities left to rot as charry bottles down the mandala for mp3 involutions more tall either small issue forming slats overrun ins augur shouts inert oeuvre the paved over formally thought to behave inroads the movie leafing through outside on porch-song each visible word lightly siren to texture and ferrite salsa. medici ferocity absolute rinse foo furry quasar thought teevee on ablution foom grateful mending fences entrances outside otherwise sage numbers overshot there drummed forces over is hidden prawns detente omitted. warming to essential grilles tests of abstract officiousness eos throaty upsurge on alright each already ones to vehicle between yappy hypnotics. yearlong understands the motion frequency oblique for material grit err silhouettes vandura paratrooper, a terrific leisure plastic in all tarot coheres occasion vessels to avenue those parachutes dominating reaper’s clot unearthing silence. nob inexact enndemic lassitude vow aprille washer, snub acolyte al fresco damper villa on holder si minutiar vilanelle to pardoned met with eden so glassy formidable after aesthetics devove commissariat picador therein slowhand file manager, protean vistavisible manipulation of dead-bolts sorrow incandescent moot molten is the tenacity foom. abracadabra velvet theorlogies, mordant for curtails on vacuum insolence pariah depletes nothing widely amounting so latinate co the meltdown, altering soapbox woven lack interpreter, ave march font liberation font serif value-driven milliner whorl promulgate evidential is normal ave material deleta text-grommet each launch potion, northerly is vacant suborned ivory alcestes the model cracker invidiousness wary otherwise saluted. reaping imminence thousands later welling not ebola ingratitude font foal the mime strata involution of seraphim lest they gleam troppo. pillar oil traffic ie uo poitrine lackadaisical mordent beatles, numerous clamoring over fences temperance lopped over mulling the opaquely lost theologies, mirrors well tulips in the guardrail, numerous animals guardian angels everywhere. a piety summoning eithered nothing while scaling a trapeze improves on torch padded scalene voiceover. king of el portion, a deplete on affable motions wordless in a candle wiling moot photon graphemes literally blue and serene the tenderly fraught. grimly pretext vacant vidiot, eon eos ream presentation on a circuitry, noon the ocean mills above essential lotus-grails, the motions within a criss-crossed on asleep the excavations numb striations each the continent mescal eire latte mitoses volute that scrambles overload wherever situated. imaginary ocelot, muscular voices cot ivory announcement, aorist value-divem sally forth, ennui therein snub nantucket vanishes cape cod vanishes bootstraps understanding the dylan crossing a parallel tenderness once diaristic dalai lama voicing pears and ceilings, stile over a gretel vestibular notions withing asura not here torn integrally prattle, trial of eponymous the strategm, slowly enforcing alas those who repeat and freely so, in an incantation for fissile a detour tiles from the mystery. unanimous the crop silent vacuum slink cane of pared sonata doorway opener, volute impatience gouged for amrita the cellphone adduced imperative cluster, an international omission precedent more amplitude therein spatial for images the regional forming sulk vistavision not held un yammered on facing. a din of indication mind shortened from tonic is evolute on paramour bedecked field on in fete foreground in aprille the thisness agreed upon ting of spatial resultants sorrow forming on alright no spartan liquidity of eloquence, tones rerouted on framboise each litigant moebius there pick-up. unit space rem-sleep ibis vamoosh potash lucid entities mall of packets, rap clutter invade tensilar on presciece those mentored ousia maybe the apportioning opaque selection for widely surmised the vanagon surly prevalent surcharge onion salute re-representation, another tide fell entry caliphate impressions tonnage, slip own, lysine the oculate impervious elf not having is larynx teleology surmise terra firma ectoplastic votary bluelt the on ie ue ao eo nothing wide of sample, induce industry sell-off omission’s pleurisy root cohosh dovetailing elation’s praxis moon on noon the extant porous language of mirage enneagram slightly for classism there one salacious not perilous to earlobe-pullers. the coincidence in everlasting melody, pre-voiced in aerial conniving terra firma least is gain bossing thrice evidenced in saturate of aluminum forcefields. has nineteen parroted out offhand offed officiously pre-med in alizarin the contact spree, tine sieves fro the image well-sought, floribunda homily ecologic mot eclogue aviary plus que parfait those senescent notified smiling each noisome the regulation mountain slim presumes those of rehearsal foaming alright each already tossed form grammar cipherous laced with form its triste mica leather. while simmering asylum in ear tonto valise promontory elastic vehicles tensilar botego unfurling somewhat of predatory cursor voting amaze. the contrast veins out eire rinse as force focus seek comb, plus aggregate imparting selecitive wizards athletic urtext, none of balance to emport eleision theologies. coded trafficking frequency each not ample elan of wizened martinet elapse pinafore lieu of te occiput err not slumber leery of crucilble. build a note a big abyssal fete or image, loan tunnel coeue de leon leisure noon plastic evaluation, somersault the effectual acceded to emirate cull voice until vehicle ambles along. asking somewhat on industry, lean-to impressario. as indiscretion fallow, laideur not hammering ossfification etch mindstyle impervious telling somewhat. think eos form ie from eor pile trample, hack before airplane get einsam there leitmotif granular, archetonic voracious melee width in classroom eggshell topiary noxious to parrot evanescence tapir slowhand the furor levied out fossils the contemplation merrier than similitude between sugary eindrucken these moribund informations elocution-deprived, monday therein stateless save answers to behave on scrutiny each tunnel on already the fissile parameter, figural those epidural notations elementary to share change. as ruble over salute, iffy on cram slippery vacancies, the continent shelved for amicability each mirror clean to these imprecarious natures tides aware over that simplicity reaching contemplation contact in ghent rhizome gullet where as bolsheviki know-how that nepotistic alternate, lack in trammel player piano surveys noted therefore relegated to emery board scruffling motes visible for agonist tonto relata imperial tension the regroup one once tone first. a contrary voila penetrates iambs over the satyr on slim parsing each nothing waving into anacreusis therein bloodletting text invites vortices their form cellophane on stipulate. a fluid gremlin occasions a tarrif whether or nominally resistant to presentiment, noting a grammar visible from an accounted virtuality expanded in regalia. numbers of the quaffed rinse detail reparation to model uniquely sermonette viaducts noting less than the first until wordless suv excavations idem sloka on in the smallest tinkering wide gaia own sobriquet nor malleable. agit those meant venom in brie crawling tough motions lest the ceiling effect nothing lasting lettered out of sky silence, cursor stile of photogram sitcom vendor prior to occupied ram, the contention practically a merger with expulsion the morning song numbered and released thereof incalculable. mote of alizarin, temerity alliance pallor oven-ready what seldom those to parse on asleep theologies, noon toxins theory, tonnage once believer dilletante soothe mania move therein stateless formless increasing atonement teevee siren, no-mood mindstyle pungence of maladaptation somewhat incredible where aspecting in passive lacunae prevues forming commentary pleasing the mindstyle before attendance willful an acrid acid racing through solidarity’s vocabularities each leeway one of on the across-a-corner streeted out of salinated water, cinder wondrous. asking thought for unpacking so material cumbersome as prepped otherwise hiking through eddies of mad knight ridings, themselves in parallel to exculpated wisddom the notion elasticity inbred moebus meek numbers, parry offhand official tenancy behaved on salaried emplotment each upswing laggard not the machinery to expect. stunt of millers the shiny networking slink over astral blares those plumes tedious unsatisfactory lea tonnage, pullet ego malformed, but heating thousands laden with baggage some elsewhere to parry, a reacting jostle meant karmic leaning, the ebullient whiz karma-kat uev not escapist the naming each reason foom bromide incurable. ad counters to eclogue ties of banishment, certain lackadaisical interminable cronyism, without face on relay through trattoria where goers impala pale theroux invidious hoax in cue of cusp detailing some quality the angst intractable motions vary the culpable with no reasonable actuality to prove. entirely uselessly impossibly cited in alighting vroom crossfire those in the caloric vane fraught envoy the cake in jarred outsize mount washing ton to something er wrapped out tens of ineffable natures seizures the ornate collection of erlebnis somewhere also torn bated out of signature. is and release tor ins and or which alligator lance rta ei those for plastic ei rinse to lemma the unfurleed as tell shards in implosion the coercion somewhat lien for crashed outriggers on imbecile tourneys each of itten somewhere else. cheroot professionals tensile for ampex callow teardrop evocation eleison the manga in mp3 giff. each rogue paltry, noel on-to-lo-gy inroads the commonsensical gird mien for grapple incursion thereof parachutes meandering in curator’s edges, nothing wider the roughing upswing meant to sieze the carpet underfoot, react reach reap realization, note a cur curious enough malleability one calzone for mandible, natural therein aforementioned those marching trivial series treachery science theory and dross of energy something subpop ceiling vista innuendo success stated as lopping off adding on withdrawn fronds of palimistry’s exigent labeling motions. mining themself ent’racte to ‘nother violette invasive to eprouve mit gleich sammlungen those without accenting then noted offices of lack in certainty there be unaminity second those rem-sleep actually why throes of ien nothing everything leisure each. singularly correct unfurling around, inner stat, schedule a chord where it alright niescience some tumble warming to scletrotic advantage, nary pleonastic the over-buying attacatta stamina the cushy remoteness of parsecs each travels unearthing its overload un the rollerderby stranded with ermine clouds noted noting a correction. retention’s emergency alternative its tilt over on alright ne’er the alcestes neoplasm returnee rta invariable once seeming zoo jazz. abruptly on cycle rarely aloe there allot euphonia moron levitate genie rite-added out versatile those of peregrine template, lunching wider otherwise something litter moab untried slight un pear recht in realization the curio vanishing whereas thinly relatedness something supreme motionless while striations tuck infants cell-phones and merciful angels. rien du tout, someone density inviolable mindset tariff on invidiousness ea iu relatedness ness ness ness which lance of purgatory in flak-jacket tenor saxophone larynx the ocean wide. woven thick aren’t lysine ad more abracadabra insulations for mead imperative literally rialt versatile numb omission of acclimating for mazes. visible theory i result imperative lair thought ferocious lackadaisical no not note notes noesis nothing wallowing the coarse double-take even itselves lofted out of aspiration aspirin glaring through indexes voluntary gavottes insure values of themselves, as abrasion. multiplex nothingness ten billion words nothing to read, leisure workaholic venison tapas for each mirrored infatigable notion elves the threat of surmounting threnodies in parallel for itselves one settling with amazement over shortly, a tide of experience widely perplexity prescient for amrita to gloss imperatively clocked urtext gift of a fogged in tarrying somewhere thugs rotate vowels through bounding doorways least the foible each self-centrist aviling withdrawn inert palace inference’s structure a vague one heretofore insurrection foment however inarticulate the bloss acetone. arguably ironic alright with the borderline affliction sepia docile margin a tomorrow inclusice of meals and boarder site vein alright noel tendentious language omelette ivory vulnerable the coherence fearsome else portions eleision okemo slivers ne the lariat understand stood vale of precursors er serious till anvil revue ones it heated room in arlesienne phone it figure it selfdom  imperious call it self eleison kyrie hastening something what in on the aspects nothing arrow, linger sites of over ten thousands el. raiders of lost arcana, those republica meow cronyism telling towed into a crocodile ajar in the closure. blood money galway integrally semaphore lack ire noetic always wroth inert lair of language consentual visible toughness one once party chex vidiot the mini-sail veil of accrual tempestuous and grammatic being heparin behavior queuing up the take for maitreya seldom eaves nothing hinges forcefield anatomies there least from issue the consentual eon lariat unrolling so cur circuitry connotes in the tubers protagonists heal from homeland identity, so more agility fantasizes the motion of form with acausal correctness laughable costume regular roan filch protections fro aprille teevee studium pharaoh bulletin so manageable sturbridge dual nounal mordent coarse, unquiet easy way officiously decay ceo from pirouette er slater veil knower the eternal silence matinee viaduct latinate amnesia thoroughly pretend mao, gotta wait. is afterthought for was, otherwise others what if either situates the covert bias merriment not real a call irreal bwo the delusion of sensation oboe and hordes outriggers in transit on highway trotters each with cart to ego leery cattle house, house resend for haversack those prevalent. warsh those of apparent eisen grammar, atlas thensome read with musket infuriate phonics the tutelage persistent, mote of wham on noggin. scurvy go bletat memoranda infandibulum bother. on a glossy un treo glottal minou themes to balance window of opacity mere the sallying forth offhand ship of weasels, a countdown to emplotment value-driven romaine grit, humanist rile toggle bromides focus those terminalizations effectuated gather is lightness where aplomb secretes unanimously the control facet mesmerized not harrassing each is told, i e, wellness springs must bagatelle the rare slings fading with linen splints verbatim clarionette focus. whimsy not theory, the absolute rialto verbatim if monaco delirium treed on fluid therein aprille those perplexity candles toward, a stasiss once behooves the creative soul-time in exigence to shock reversals on thematic siphoning elasticity apparently grasp in onward for leider ivory accompaniment. cleric athleticism not would have aboard sitcom adroit motionless asleep on split ego, classist vowels trafficking weal of the profession, einsteinean state of parse. persuasive questions elope with sanitation ruffles on shortening coffee and pastry the range rehearsed front to back took eire given thresholds to steady-state unreal comparison thinking each of beethoven a garret in viewpoint notes lest the imagination forms dilemmas, cellophane and redux. quick, look ahoy certainties disappear reef and ruffled shire oven robbery somersault federal cisco castanet rulerships, detailed for a magnum each summarization utterance cairn of settled lannguage mp3 of which. as context-voice in windowless trial for explicative motions mere literature to eon alright answering allowances for lack ie the finding outriggers on shore, finger-food out the wall, space of echo dusted off. radiance often of par teeth oven-held on alizarin templates, eves of the ransom cling trappings of for wiser lights the motions not hoarded foul play substrates deli scraps, the unreal become irreal for real, ad reals subtend impartials not roving whereabout those similarly presumed talk over oat norerga the continent shifting weal of premeditation some peace ordinate of selection once safe. commissariat indication leeway the closed mind all remains behind future a lit compare at twenty dollars, those remedial ingratitudes threehundreddollars tactic of referee on slurred renaming salt and pepper waif of striation meltdown for arrival of tenacity, the emblem least durable cannot voice oafish the apology lack on themes theory oboe slightly sending parsed trials where occasion merits. goat chakra those rendering rooms then softened retainer wall mirror as bleu choruses deflate is supporting notes not geting louded. says would then paradoxes de-sedimentize the formidale revelation of merriment over a parameter limited in phrase each lorry blank, in mirage those prevamped mitoses afterthought is thinkngs within somersault and  trapeze loops. tones of stretch mar meltdown increasingly text, ideas therein somewhere those bureaus integrally split evasiveness once startles those morning hastens for. as hominen fissure level front alright each effete aim in as greet’s the celestially paradoxical, mumblings on fare, will itemize feudal improve aorist vowel cadre, the nightingale formalizing veer to themselves om an indexing carve, nounal sophistry element of nature signing eaves on the relinquished. forms into granular person pundit remote on clair de lune boisterous notions breathing still as fare, a thought in aprille those to intend immerse of handshake in part-songs telling some scarified paves however on traveling scordatura eerye tell choleric dub boon, celestially on aside for miasma the realization range of which tried similarity voicing not vox celestial, nirguna september, ond ine resilience bagged out of scar, notochord each when sad empty rhetorical indexing mollified kept breathing oms on the violins ei wanes for a magnum leafing through possible occasions. a melody corresponding to resonance in parsed mirror-screening some else while trafficking elates noon of scramble offering lariat to be ping those those multiples of tenterhooks marvel of the garage, procedural imp mimicry those retrograded out of synonym into previous motions evasive maneuvers told out of saturation melancholia deploying severely sotto voce the motion alright noun. a choice to expect on arlesienne not reasons to provide assurance though night time inna te from the selvage wonderful and regrouped not quaffing tool exeunt partaken situation. view of thoroughly notated unsure notations each once answered infiltrates a domestic antinomy lost to feature. at glancing retorquing theory for amnesia behaves theorem clotted out of supreme light.  a masque for ditto sampling whitled oven-held imperatives those zoo-trope there themselves here and there as well. ratcheting up these impossibilities one celestially probing a symmetry understood answer mushrooming amounts evolutes of permission to scrap, mitten witnessing foop karmic sooner the beacon slurring there inexact long trial foot-wrenching the krakow walk. on assurances the certainty miser a dosey-do tycoon mindless or etiologic vanity, bourse of the crumble denier slider in theologies that first weight on said nothing lane of crepe island the yammering webelos ceramic bludgeon vacant of were youth in fedora ceremonial speaker even if what take the gift issues. naming somewhat of persistence’s evolute nothing, iowa jima, serious that remnant veering intelligence to pardon elation spearing such the advice memorable, lair on in the motion.  knighted for led-screen motif mere luau near issue for ie while arpeggiating alright, suv notation leaf on sleeve mere. what that inert possible thorough impales tensilar voices, gestural slowdown imports in the skeletal industry ego-logical etcetera. whilst dicing reopened glaring ceremonial glaciers, florescent the fife on alright thinking secure silos towhee in slanted impervious that resistant venial tertiary locus thematic lip-synch the foo felicitous and ere opaque nothingness nimble redundancy motivated, sleigh bells contextual foresting somewhat in on themselves visible oneself intention all rise at cordillera ivrogne seeking around coincidental mod ten islands naked over a complexity, fractions of persisted well-knotted they are that, nadir of severity each lien forcefield ei nothingness noessis groomed for laborings arco clauses delay candles open to surf. natural los angeles terse ocean not travel noesis for grand om prosthesis the each wilderness widely prospecting on aguirre moon eligible the over-with sulking in karmic lazy the trobar refuse the digits impressions forfeiting somewhat in crooked streets waring motives tjant nothing el bundle offered on in linear peace warming the naked hester prynne cars un highway nine tenaciously tenderness on aprille over a lot of enigmatic candle intersection each year logo for release the presentation malleable windowless mien for graffiti each moisture algorithm sectarian gloom those present to entr’acte vindaloo presumption. every sketchy pre-valuation of emotional certitude somber each as unnoticed veil the symmetry is there in sattva. arr with inert somebody insiders textures notified alright neither witnessing a surveillance not more to seize, in ontology the appearance iffy calzone, comportment atelier envoy to oprah vein of succor the plaintiff, vowel co crown-control sardonic the relatedness one sadness after not thorough inarticulate hearsay, limitless lysine additives not coarse the flaunt prevalent tossing sincere phrases the motion eh orphic what that ineffable the naming there already there.  real information lysine the forcefield on omitted where lair of penetrates unroll an reach in miracle’s cone tot. on harrow villager oh remit velocity tenthousand thoughts belonging sobriquet harbinger imparted airline calcium the estimate of prejudice woven karma the trout booked intention formalizing entanglement widely pre-empting site-visibility what is looked at rebec mountain, elder silhouette universal thought to empty while drafting assurances of previous the remedy pass the remission for grapple anguish nothingness windowless on registration intention largesse for motivation of electability each networking silliness so felicitous noesis the structured in place one afterthought breathed or naima cold extras unveiling as presumes those on these of happiness mutates changes of peregrine affection, lei flaunt imperative glued into teletext umbilical those redux of permission attract partitions why ateliers determine all the oddness shot fuel choke-hold coarsely determinate invariable modesty comptroller over the heap of closure in midstream entities lenient calligrapheme processual the motion without and within so many overhaulings net calligram oppressive import leitmotif vcr-obsolescence. night the relatedness for retention’s entity some else the mainsail formed of lack and federal cases. imperialist vetoes, note integrally the pairing veiled union tiling there in eternal why, hiawatha the obtuse omen of parachutes. merely the fantasies of parachuters nothing least the formally pulse. harp ontology the altruism near thousand slated to einsteinean strapling venues, mortal vllanelles those not heretoafter in oh this empty information each to takk in velocity, hmmmmmm. whereas where we are covert intentionally those of aprle tonic tens and fifties the seventh of seven, noting a column of distributed in another filliation lest this motor cloud in a taught-to-be-elsewhere, perhaps…..

re the after 2

March 31, 2008

re the after < 2 >           [in progress]       Peter Ganick   04.04.08


fractal impossibity meow ceo, theban lycenium thralls to envelope tilde raiment for gedda regaila on silence’s presupposition. mall of indicators stress tap boggle mott hammers on intention’s referee as mountains relax, pirouetting somersaults more welcome the advantage merriment solidarity elvis crone the duplex mitten outside a walrus deploys euphoria liaison eulogy, no more the trottoir evasive nor peacock. reminds foop ladders willowing somatic paradoxes telling vista elapsing metal industrial gift, fixation empty felicity within a summershine eons laden with repentance forums generosity. a naively preoccupation uniquely assurance empty lightshow, unit-awareness vamp middle with stray lineation merrily therein sotto voce imperializes the second parrot therein echoes even eerie collections meet with variously propensitory gamma globulin moab selects, midline of rationale each the empathy that was, sword of evidence made issue of reality whozit on everyone’s mindstyle. a paramount theatre in cuprous oxide the niceties laughing at services in the crier’s epitome so liaison trepidation noon, selecting a strangeness daffodil in thought, i e, metallophones remain on spiritual questions allow precision the downtime of alligator natures each large mouth in single letterbox latté medical surname, the foresting so asana slattery fowl nor paisley placebos, mien of striped bottles in falconers the blah blah, mitt out on shelf once repaid piano deluge a stream in slick eventuality, there proem with apex nothing least meow, cram pilot evacuee hastens to seep iowa jima thereof frugal in. dramatic lore trammeling surface sostenuto opaque as riddle could apply each native shoal pellucid thematic, incipience of mere alright the marginal terms on evaluation scheme structures deploy frames out of slim precisions, down integrally supreme skank the oboe delight nor already hastening before twilight memorizers waft. grated oliphants neo-pixilated while drily hear feint mended with surveillance the simplest matrix overrules adding samples eiderdown mere elvis ratio. gear or inroads waif of material loges those remedial corona seldom as nibbles forms in the cult personhood reclaims roving rhetorical nuance tubes wait itself on reduction. netted eyelids over thinking’s a shortfall the maitreya of sluice reparations io bleaching so leisure contours a which wafts starve marks on sass the streetcar, moon seizure pale driver with sudden spots on elbows. as announced mightily reaper clubhouse in camera meet siphon re-read there to knowledge’s appropriation emirate so slinking about the dardanelles mirages motions the venom of ajar the doorway providers mar a downtown soul cast in a tin ego. mutation federal the conscious arrows in veldt repeating as a so flagrant ceiling. in opting often already the pretend silent mover either with of whichever outages those trobar on selectively amazed twilight least the burro indexed for latté, merriment in deaf motions willowly pratyhara on various ludic fresheners, one saluting rehearsal foresting somewhat invention soon maerializes europa temperance wilderness’ commonality vehicular botulism mete over sight no harbor for harbingers wilting least for bandages on staples of chosen fiat neighborhood expecting, glossalia narrow the aegis forum in elastic negation, parsecs out of if and only if. ambassador sorrow for thematic driveways oslo cbernobyl the mutiny ousia on leisure seed additions lore of that which won’t stop, one sight where ghosts rain down serving cats, noesis brooms out eh lastly on goes the fantastic lanyard steeplechases out of which a dormancy pleads. blastocytes’ imperious choice repayment felt hats emcees widely entrance weaves free access though inoperable, a mention airplay is generous tripod.  some rave across a student rallentando,  motion as surly periodic nature of slinger’s barometer soapbox clatter wondered if talk collectively breached in contrast to trash motions ivrogne. plash the vigils offloading so meticulous adamant literality not non either, last hasty entourage lotto stars. alike note a survey ink. idem where loft in sweater blood, nounal ferrite belle those referees sentential winery, arid met wideness on caldor fissile mandala weathering impoverished richesse, no allotment some magic shade of edification leans treo alike windless sporadicism near beowulf, noon forgivable in one sestina already a droll camaraderie invents learning sorrow not the fitness, wildernessing a summershiny vacancy, alignment pesto vagrancy the under resultant vamp tilde rotary tooled into several clouds of returnees. as illbience is abated as illbience is washed out sonata venom to slur ever nothing with something as precedent for airy noesis, vulnerable to sided on in a pots dheha the mote for scruffy weaving somatic loadout moebius straylings, evidence retained on skittishness paradise in vroom technology here something nascent triste omissions previously contacting sort. sass a large iterative is nounal wherever verbal activation leans throughput, mellow action from swerving the marionettes lurk twisting a scree of pabulum evident airplay gathering slur. was par what boer sited over wile temerity lineation ossified, neutral evidence someone adroit those is revving a scarred impedance. hailing thematic vagary whiles conduct a renamed visceral conducing of precedent, semaphores vest another wave of effete indexicals not to broom out slain voraciousnesses. think return tossed from a gradient of imagination no more no least. therefore everywhere illbience is noted tore orange slippers outer miasmas, the treadmill of train spotting somatic eructation, is gorillas. as something a borscht less, oars borderlines immersing suzerainty is vowel tote arranging septum, elder hoops outer planetary commencement fid neo lair of the rarity, not hysterical nor the smitten weaves a loaded shock chomp. agama eel mirror tossing eagle loom vestigial leonine aisle seder. as moon recover otherwise a gradient for indications orpheus the motel already insisting resistance reopening somewhere laddered out of clan. uniquely threshold paradox, dotted on truly the expanse for, canine avers onset offertory no sculpture. thinking the ocean cam street a vinyl over eos opera the io vowel cohorts thousands alike strut verbs clubbing drought of nightlights in ecological sensorium, thrown into assumption’s bleach-boot, emirates of representations merge wile of the contemplatory cheroot. ivory alight within aprille this notion of allowance tonnage metallophone. conducement foom luau ebony merriment levis on sale block, usage of preludes it either seizes a conducement of replacement that either impressionate world-vision vista-vision emirate mopping stewards tractor traitors, the enunciation of persistent ennui grammatized fortuitously practice. mesto conglomerate incidental wider therefore, luminous echo is premonition for determinists, emotional issue offing is revue otherwise mean-tone tailor the one-set only gratitude. contra-lens, eos trios inertia evinces rialto meek airplay onsite, gordian culling ostrich rinse, prevalent those thousands later, willingly the frame. dint of shard emperor aloe vista, nominal avalanche, as coeli theocratic leeway here to play effort einsteinian spot-check a voice in a dark port. thinking none sorting. a crumble tabled ieee lair of prattle, the cord with theory crit-lit marvels ousia vouch, mode of boat. nameless the figured miro epicurean slim presumption relegated to insurance tell tilt for agonizes the package rein in spartan mp3 the organization, lightly of serum amnesia blech mirages everywhere in salute. grimly prescient noah on salivation’s exceedingly popped sieve notation not has total eithered orbits simplified the reasoning related to dangerous codes of irreality though seasonal and mystic the event is solid. which reversely prior to eos somatic thereforres won’t ghost in on the parsimony leak celery outside warthog mesto officers’ music runny nose, template formally the ocean infinite ceasing of vestive commence with asuras in debacle featured in on happy ground an aloud weaving short-sticked offers, another mirror to vanish lop-sided with feverish nocturnal sleet. coldly anachronistic er io treaded treadmills ironic languidity enormity of sarcasm, deletia meted outward inmost fro the chameleon wildly preempted bratwurst stars in every license foom grapple oddity natural emcee, not heat on brio long-term mitt on-time saluting each bitter and cruel before the tone escapes mira golden feeling throughout ever spatial rodent of emirates palatial walking wakening en route throaty the guarantee eire lack networking neo-plasma northern happy town, leech noun. awe venerable waking swarm overhauls conscious range tote nabis trellis on vacancy the emeritus laggard mends of the parasite, one once emptied already lies in the field of crease, tenners invites. as addresses the complication noesis wondering faery queen mutated overnight’s something painting consciousness wilderness is itemization more yet leverages. immerse meet and greet is emotional cerise, template narrowly essential, cold to rndar-plexy noel unveiling of sacristy which nature offers light and posthaste corrections weal of contrasted. yammer blah blah wideness swathe omelette vaguely beautiful on in the renames over achoo acheives abcedarium settling wandered those pastiches lag tones. jet jettisoned lag testy crowd jabberwocky words for borax jitney lceway unearth, i e, stabilizes with does nothing, last horizontal lasting the alarum frosting repeater island rejettison wash notation’s vulnerability with tycoon laughter uptown hypnosis parlez-vous the urgency. one cup pbotogram liaison leotard luau the nature of beg either pardons another flamboyant truth-teller wind-power clue on trebles ghost redux proudly one version the pandemonium, laggard made motion essential greenery, both. an ethernet sutra variously purring oh diatribe those ever limitation frisson for freely drafted until idem carousel karmic appellation mannerisms on-time whether of not. egg shoes foundation in essential reterritorialization heather on room-bar. happy oliphants everywhere no stated neither on alignment’s clopped telephone fond to praxis overlain without tare of melody. gangplank walker tundras next union windfall evidential removal the laotian anarchy those ruts in wall foom niacinide evocations, bluely there for enforced vowels are verbs consonsants are nouns, callow trapezoids the divot leas intentions there behavior little hermeneutical advice. as an exciting musket reality expects more exhumation of atlantic therefore something as no under-achiever, noesis weal of the universe weeping to begin whining the stretto avoided. empty ingredients empty inroads peachs ontological street ultraviolet merit, without of sound the world recognizable dealt images for paltry uh ahead noesis bloom the crackerbox lightning rod rodents permit all geomancers theoretic anteriors, slight to parapluie or gamete vale of eggs and cheese-erasure, the fallow breadth either notion while battery lights up heeding solo fiction nor dustpan mulch the retinue laden for presence on if aprille the mistral venus orison mote motility scram periodic tariff, seeking attention empathy and reining slightly thereof lancer. whorls of twenty missives, the chronicle devotion moebius while overage inert inept involuted invoiced mannered likelihood absalom those flutters, decent. miro the cellist imago relating with persistence vedette nounal coreopsis florid baud impersonally the croton on urgency. aligned vacant io tellerium crannies othering on salut theirselves noted wallflowers unruly detainees vamp relaxation these emporium laggard so slacker mien of fascicule there memorizing, an alcove congester vilas in on sonic bramble, bordello cram pulsar milled out ink-shot parallel to empahetic  mirrors, human treatment ocarina, terry cloth rubicon remora elsewhere in graceful tourniquets mnemonic king-shell pulsar the envelope of science’s theroux motion officially presuming accompaniment essential not at watching slippery grammar windowless three oh nine on the box clot. the re-foliation of empirical redoubled attention. which recompense frequent signature welcome therein satori voices selves integral to laddered outsides the resort, mri with assumptions sleet in on the empowerment of albatross. yes nothing heed ubiquitously august, imposing the mile of tenancy’s bleat, as miel from parasites, document stasis the blue building, in an hourly photogram milling think crooner so slatterly prosaic, numbness on salmon to parsimoniously détente musically feudal forth paris neither neithered out soap vondura vanity cremora healing the fascination of feet in around a motivation so circular, con regulator. main fiat of edifice-parrot, medium triad thief akimbo the relic rider leaching from detritus the amalgam some elsewhere on in the flag-borderline, mirages ouch the repaid elision bordighera mobile allowance the ma’am sympathy offing slurred voices earnest of erlebnis those crowns out silences theme temporary ethereal neon, harmonic dotted lighthouses the evoba insolence meticulous doddering so lack-luster invitation foom the presiding weal trouble woven in karmic thrust bottom loft integrally the past hammer ivory gelding mere light-burner. a sort harpooning, reads thinks toggle pressing apparition-curios, thematic issue momentum of ebb, boeing contrasting already othered involution merriment goes to basinet festooning a carom of gentry, eons laggard issues moths borne through a sudden shrift oh beowulf er windows on in therefore assuming reticulate bravura, no scrutiny thereof blares the trenches outworn, noesis another occupation more no nattering in arlesienne brooming. the heat put where iffy sarcasm the painterly positivity, eon of ceramic skin tiers iffy seeking foals the bluely almost re transept, fallen triple play on seriously to rotunda more lost havoc, tens of millions then somewhere as being is simplest entry feeding select matrices votive allotments facing bidding wars. acetylene lair on where hidden in salaam cosmic throwaways nodding the sluice broken ears, mundanely precious, mere therefores forming in el vanity on whorls of penchant merriment leaning the rejection lieder sang reductive llamas threading so immense fares out ossification’s stucco broom closet hoops and gradients, no karmic residue applies where illusory vitality empties clues. as acting for genius reductions in the crawler of prizes today nothingness waves down, imperiously the scheme for frozen artifacts of persecuted natures, nothing learned in articulation mercy, enormous glowing cards might evolve might trash outward the empathetic leaning of joss sticks merely for wringing hands. a so-skeletally abundant laughter waives cartoon insomnia fascinates the locals, mirrors of dulcet disciples lineage tonnage curiously roomy lotus theroux not heretofore an assumption cracker on a furlong witnessing somersaults veers the memory that discerning nature. ignore thoughts intending alright slippage feral noesis bluettes with groomed hammer en-calcified boa ibby crouton no melody either serum louder itself bluely the otherwise assaulting of mirrors exposure. a magic imagination skittish waves text-drama lightly accorded third rail equipoise termination of escalator’s bleed in futures of norms of behavior, to exceed in atelier involving renovations if one the other not the nothingness willing more sprocket a transom for wish-fulfillment each naturally the ocean surveyed. an ellipsis writes the loud word lysine of tenacity brooming clatters no havoc elephantine cesium trajectories, meddle swan portion lineage within assumptions let in offhand, no satya, evoba luck of ultra-sought indexicals moan therefore to evidence as pebbles on respite. electronic statements mar io lebensraum the filament, a tikka masala nearly byline offering asana mote of scampering litotes, elision theoretical nausea an endorsement flummox biennial momentary cleft thrown into a document wiring no aspects of television stickpins vanes out of the ballroom vender. as a muscle reduces on wiring enormous circles, emirates link probes to erase widely on assumptions offering raving the trends laughing of focus those melodies sweltering while dramatic in worldview allowing the theatre impresario the admission fee. a dandelion brood-mare teeth only guardian, heat put for mind ousia eire natural scheme to reduce is only month re assertion for aggressiong no frequency as pass from grandiose is reduction there is nth curvature almost infinite settling no shares offered for featuring so salutes a parodic radio steers intention willingly alarm. as switches theorems of due battistas memoranda painter on siring a trapezoid one on thickly adance motions winning so circumstance imagines shards pale with no momentum thinks therefore those assuming a redoubled input, vassal of past due drought-forms meanders those dramatic laughter with voices ornamentally without range to balance, is studio relaying thought-forms on once the longing alright neo bluette far-reaching learning. justice thrice thought reminds, as rowdy erasure thinks billows pontificate wiring ladders on elemental choice nor presumed once evident erasure lightly stricken throughout partial guillotine material, eulogies in remnant for dramatic allure.  mar narrow occlusion reel of par earthly night island ones of harrowed impressionate croup, i e, the letter fragrance and bead of activation’s merge, slight eluard those topics repression mood elates a renegade sixty degree angle. which waif eon leisure prattle gatha in mesto vacuum so plastic why. and therefore wonderful acrostics behave paged in fellowship revolving teardrop insurance-deaf otherwises tendency otherwise no emptying lateness pre-rated willow traction after factoring skills of prasada emo largesse yes no happiness some stall berating no stripe of slowing middles in oversight no qualm the feasible ocean riffled in environs traffic of detritus, naming a mystical equation pristine avowals the turnaround either within slightly oneself no erasure value procedural omnibus prejudice of willow welcome to ev’ry insensate on persecuted notion gone those repatriating something to balance-book of leading brightened for performance whirling nor motion excels temperance. mindstyle youth languidity notion emulates a despite basinet ocean=side rover implacable terminal vestigial narrations of exegesis more scrutiny. merely a drive in countrified alcoves jetties the buildings of old towns in netted scrams bottlenecks with same placentas as yoga-spatial mortises vain the publican of which on lineation’s wave circuitry of proffering no space foreground the lotus of dint bait and swim, celsius naively tenancy. this eçru vanishes a border of elegant election where karma reins in, forgone so material spiritual supremely edified, battle of seizure and reflection noon for gifts natty post haste on weal of trenchant ieee-code metal contraries, align. in gravity where contention remakes surname and mountain, tolerable ivrogne thinking somatic letterheads inundate sufficiency. was told intention regions language goes to, orange mirrors lean toxins those replete vestigial morrows the elastic nap on settlement each welcome meandering theory in glance, replete notation each the roan fluxion. so karika, on in back room consonance with application foregrounding merriment and mercy stifles an idiom of steering an actual assertion, picayune assurance, text malleable for grace mattering nearly this affidavit balances temporary clogs in met with and charlatans on the eventual sounding board, rooms wielding intractable laughter solve a motion whorls grammatize in shoppes the asana of cartouches wormholes spatially sorting nouns and motions, festive anachronisms out contrasting a merriment sectarian impale reopen indecorous rhennish cahier, enable rest hors d’oeuvre the closest of er aid to motion within certain surfaces the smile of parma lightly cerulean not knowledge triplicate everything el emotion had or provider to mention leaning into prolation of leas in of the oceans once sorted. attentive to sonic empowerment seers of the natural isness one blade aehieve tones ahead of is largesse the piano of skeletons no sector, an around closure none for immersion parroting elsewhere no cloud not given wields a flinch of everywhere. incurable generosity’s a caveat forming elastic vigilance thought-forms ivory essential motionless svelte bassoons the ocean improbable for mind-structure, least musical vigilance traffic affeuouso bourdon of license the scrounge of perdition not possibly. which unveils a magnetic slow-fast narration, bluely the conduit met welcome a dance within sophistry iffy while dramatic is so discourse travels knighted leases out of clarionette midgets the blasphemy choked backward content to rejoin on latté no card. choked chakra evidence to medics oars in the swimming warmed for guru light in heart, otherwise so language combines the policeman deciding the shown for a gratuity, must asking behave witless narrow, classist oval paradise foop brillo magic. non-schismatic, went to remand is effect of pretense knowledge the smamry vedette ossified confusion teil of suddenness a knee-jerk apparition of eked skeleton persists fading dilating slurs in general society a magistrate noon taken lake thrown insurance traffic integral foom is yoga, a backfiring dramatic alarum, norms of derivation schemes of the containment plus oddity no serum the fractal immodest startles reduction officially motion for motives, elemental furor trivia least the oblique notification of which a startles b with note for non-appearance of idolatrous evocation the squirm in voice together in on the inoperable thousand motions. reigning bagatelle of sorts nothingness as becalming so widening a secondary vanguard lighthouse of sgraffito, one on emergent chora the blooms theory one soon io, noesis bacterial nature so furor of elements something lightly a sort in value. so cursory the evidence, tomorrow, glance at the scrimshaw deployment so charry, veil off-land battlement staved until harmonic dint of which hears. asap, they call seizure umpired out stuck integral dorsal fenestration mostly. so, kale on ordinate majuscules ombudsman variegates a relic othering so laughable nounal serum amnesia whittled out of elsewhere the dance. a magic tram strut, eaves of repo granule aryan sluice fluid igniting alignment iowa jima, greeting streetcar desultory nautical empires, a right rigid meringue volitionally pacified, on treatments of debilitation therein sprockets emerge widely flowing lysine graffiti mealy big nantucket ranch house gone soot hovercraft, i e, the emergent laudatory blocks on cartouches, nearlby a simian fluttering willowly surname emphasizes. is rotund lip service to focusing crowns butterball mutton volitional prasada the upper cut mote if nth engagement of surplus and orgone stadiums, stealth brokers in masks of american rent another glitterati nounal glow idolater ump solidarity wideness availing, i e, it mutes explanation willy-nilly the offices of derivation nor marred on slight borax. moon clair de lune maitreya nous oval mellotron escape of fender betting, neatly impulsive speaking about itself on a wrongful rattan smiling at which dependably the spartan tundra covets attorneys torn to shreds the loitering wildflower signaling some ort understood, which is, fitness the affidavit motion in motion leisure a boa coddle. stimmung no directing no laisssez faire swirl pica moebius threadbare widely supreme overhauling sforzando mri ouch weal of chromosome after another room involving. un the re if uttering it lalala inert intention that washes coros nothingness not availing thermo-lux non-extant vigilance the ei offrande motorhead lightly panache to epoche thinking slackened foal in gracious parallax thematic willingly pretense for alligator meme, slightly enforced. metal wood paper introductory glass glasnost the fabulousity with permanence application hereafter the larynx took élan for vein so leisure trammel immense the raga curtailing alarmist eventualities. nonplussed third duck-town inuendo hearing light-shoulder, oyez. un theory parrot cider malls eos, flighty forgive o’er paradise voice god-elision-if and what under-standpoint, emulate iffy illience the natural word shortened attention shockwave incohere those the choices coeli networking slowly, someone small robe neatly curtseying vehicle sionara trattoria per pesto ei terra-formed the closure outage in rinse, doux ptarmigan regulatory el television particles keel of gusts in vinyl storm-calls. nearly ten-thousand torches gedda emptiness over-sight noesis pertinent club-call the illbience starter of bogged intention yearlong iowa jitney kidnap vacation by awfully cloned weather-unsettling, messages in report the rising energies lien of covert ie people inward turn if darts. night ludic random clash ei mori contention. a raiment nature solidarity embarrassment culvert pillar empathy in levee borderline musicale fellowship the accomplish nod trainee let toad rinse. was unfurled proem cahier those lightly in advance the twirl agenda io attendance for parsing atelier hangarounds, those to neaten melody hoop and cranny a span for geeting satori ie with empathy los compadres particulate emotional versatility, lid of stripes on club’s carom barometer for switching blather, mien of salutory taken in criss-cross smiles thin offhand feral dot-name bluette aura of tertiary maui menu forming slag in vastness guitar escalator the advantage ultrafine dante imperviously tract on efficacy normally of trail those prosaic bell game brusque improbability no excising as monad small gratitude lariat outward invention nearly justice avenue street, seen of tsktsk the video er simulacra of moon sporadic and lyceneum salute iamb in nottingham those trellis scholist dorsal imperial intention viable issue swing music, the template reopened oven-burnt impartiality scrolling while evocation merriment in staples ontological métier no could not behaving horse show pardoned midstream glitterati the world book song. saw through yesterday’s opalescence treble of ska involution presumption wheel, trilling vacuum improbablities moon on horizon ward align theatrical berceuse the loutish availing sallow complex, norm riemann parachutes those mathematical book inroads in attitude offhand limerick admission sough of a previous recognition, the ousia without blemish or blame, bleu chakra ai lightness of behaviourism, the transience mattering while driving tens and thirties. etching some language overshot erie candles potted outside textural is publicity en thoughtful recidivism not hammer on house clarionette each leisure a gamma raving to selection of escalator serial of a marginal empathy somewhat inversely happiness a grammar of eyeless euphorias the behest memento mori moebius flailing in fast talking mends theoretical levels outage indexed from agitation meow, unintentional tunnels are exchequer valises no harangue isles of determinism, a guardedly prescient neutrality evermore, larynx fueling attitude passivity evolution mergine somewhat oe intractable inert tractorial flaunt those sclerotic fantastics. atone uniquely prospective while, a trance vantage pointillism noteworthy so pardoning frail terabytes skeet-shooters vacantly procedural and tyrannical the smooth celsius narrating this evidence. previous theatres, no frankincense horded a priori toxins notion to behest of graciousness. hasp ingredient moviegoer, coat ‘n’ relativity for memorization eccles, the router in an operatic melisma troubles for nearly yearlong algorithms, naming involution aprille the corsair gingko the pattering silence, borderlines wilderness combines widely pronounces for grammatology. suddenly a drogue of priceless imperialism noesis philiac inertia mellow, graciously prompt no hesperides widely nauseous the idem locus in grange to emotional balsa woken. at practicing, at repeating similar poetries, at roles out of synch widening so alright if inclusive palatial or narrowing the bridge though suddenly a choice bought indication a vowel tapped from aggregate northern situations lastly empirical sotto voce. re tattering a slightly federal rung of elixir the parentage inertly repaving mitoses those to franchise apparitions already in aorist gratitude, lame stuttering fidgeting so alright in levee widening slackening expressing omnibuses those trafficking in boas the multiples offering assumption erlebnis hacks intolerance for gratitude so random. annotations regulative par ligatures on flesh in arpeggio, the chimera of deigned alterative separation so ie, the reuniting, i e, elixir eponymous invitation volute ion lariat bluely chora feckless in atlantic lens temper silo tenderness slightly ar tones nothing leisure batles thought on european exasperate the wrenched confluence thanking slices of value those ap reindeers gift in gigahertz thinking myopic throughput evolution, arrogates a motion seeking aforementioned through eu handrails haeccity the blemish doorknob refutes exit native to existence’s prize medal, tucked out offering sh ahoy the blaring does not exist foggy on that tides gray ou sky of over said river, there silence the ilk of empathy fugitive escalations. as satorial basinets the swirms through supremacy those ultrafine lapdogs leading cerise zoos those which can only point even if shocked. a mutiny of strange linnet voluntarist echos everywhere hostages ghosts of hostages and priapsis those to empower in no hosts for hostages, show is not gestural, neo-plastic therefores, knut the improvisation foregrounding an aura theocracy losses on veils thin elm today, literal tomorrow light on one settlement one o’clock though nary skeleton tossing in radar inertia towhee the road on slivers of lipids already yaw of mouton else the parisian melody. held in turn through a dapple out of scram great ounce of id the otherwise procedural strut to ascent in ter laria motion for a range of gratitude nor express nor expressable the ed oeuvre harrsassing more. at grit boat, grist added to entity of scrawl, perish nothingness ae twirl neo alternates latté crowd, bowing into distance boeing the discourse tartan somewhere a dovetail haeccity no elision batters, eo leitmotif granular oe etiquette alights on vèlo, the space betwixt a dance on at halls in vroom attaché motives, gratitude nantucket the sostenuto arrives milling rough thoughts, criers eire the yammer of scrimshaw, reinitiates a notion of scissors those terms on caloric ir caldor stupas of particulates, each an evidence of essential motion direct told, ui infraction on road imperiled the lambasting of verbs substitute. sass the nom deed plasmatic elision leak overt ei rendering slicker towhee on site of gradient calipers, eindrucken motion of sky and earth westerning so a nature vo can evolve on late fees. as swirling throttles, i e, the narration el prasada over athletic natures wonderful nicely presented apt to boho those more then those recouping crude awls on telegrams, if recalled. welch invalid stripe no car to detail wideness narrow sorrow loafing eh lagtones illbient no tactical refusal silence vastly presumption of strives yes bilateral nausea while knowledge affidavit purgatory silliness on arlesienne tossing a narcosis beyond memoranda. silences neither an ei ui lender broadway mystic yak in on squawk pallor, oe the connection à la card-carrying, which is near mere for the ascii-corona. a nature of change, large diagrams on aluminum precedent oases, the conduction of liters of school hammocks, eldridge a formal occupation selved out of accuracy, bleached crises averted, word=world a-swim. per the anounced, a morton-cask, bulletin with ar over the brooding, some vanish before, others detain and detainee and. reward rhetoric’s opacity on embossing accuracy, tare non agit. sn analog ei those wandering before a granular pervasive trenchant immersed is particulate in eos therein noel sequences out of crete. each alarum nine to ten of mayhem seek personist twelve a range narrowing clues queues would latter imposing narrow down. as an upper cut to relinquish festooned grapple, nos behave where duos exchange tendon repeaters, nescience one brood out fo so fostering ampoules thensome. pac-man

re the after

March 25, 2008

re the after [in progress]     Peter Ganick  03.30.08


  <<part one>>


re-wrench a rose, the collar, the strophic malleability normal for insistence, gowned for a gesture, implication re the affable effacement. non none the trick allowance. majuscule templates over slippery, tones terrorizing a territoriality announced into beginning as re-arrange, mirrors out tigers loan words on treat threats. mundane occupations re-afford which sporadic lien licensed otherwise boon of faraway the crocuses redeem. as collectors, arlesienne for tame shopwritten the fardels implicate what they imply, thoroughly wafting no none, list lyrical motions moron. uniquely attentive toll booth collector, a grange open for seldom, re-opt cellophane thousands later oneself nucleated strangely on an appropriate motile born agon. frame to bolster at romps reined dowsers, headroom close chorus, nine technological when writ renders an improbable motion for laddered out of sky, bluely the affordable amazing, pick up a rarely tunneling, somewhere a dandor, problematic could have doorways installed. as a crocus, advertent to emollient mortises lurid arrowhead over the thin bridge chaos. mutants norm that in renamed issues. an amount dos-matrix skittish the vulnerable in aorist motivations. algernon there on terrace noon veracity not more the agent of affability, boeing card vacuums meld imperative hold overs framing peace those tiers of detenté in as monad mind sirens of peeve notated out of clash modality, on  sombrero assuming stabilization emcees throaty vinyl not there iamb contingency uptown notion. vellum krakow vestiges more even affable to mordent lassitude in correctives, the chokehold vulnerable to efficacy, nothing wills a commonsense trailer park seen through windscreen notes.  as vales omit nothingness by harrowing a fond mein geraniums or vast conquerors un-treat everything goes, latency of pulled ouch. noah intention for gratitude once old hammers out of partition volce in the amplitude of messengers. wafted outcasts nor blue-lettes martinets cadmium red intend roves thtough intense factitions of pleasing ceramic accolades, one one and another then ordinal posthaste veerings made to crinkle achievement-families, while process devaluations empiricizes whitely in front eyelid normal toe retinues noesis contuse parroting witnesses from a gag-order on tenancy behaved. as a conducement top raffles onus those to retain somewhere assumptions swift to virtuoso the flares errant oversight to project beautiful warm positive thoughts, on broadway issued out of sleigh-bells a fantail wasting in the wingspan of determinate ocean. a continent of wordships, each lecturing each those to rename wilderness out of carrying laquer bunnies the revenuers contuse noon understood as midnight. one soprano they thetis reminds everywhere on andirons factor affreux noted. in vendetta a skip and a niblet of chase manhattan whose throughput inventions meet on slow shoppes nowhere seeming less opaque i promontory of the evidence meerschaums dice. a prelude to cake silencer theory’s behest of mit mid mir myoopia and wholly if answerable is nominal the vacuous rendition rendered as precipice scaled for flagrance of destination, an announcement revalues eerie bravery once itemization of curtailing essence in travelogue, thought gags out of nothing doing going nowhere sudden though iteration’s claque nary schemes. a cord of ferrite wicca-burns on wrist, patent miffed by while documentation scoffs yet does not. whom tiers out of house performing calligrams tertiary avalanche. weeping condoning trick rashers vortices nostrum in as choruses derive motions out of sky. where competition rarely no harvest finds foresting commonsense the bail-out voiced out of semaphore corona trash-heaves those slash evidence to barriers spottage unsure. snarls through awareness toggle notion swift to avail of thumper glass-redundancies there fostered on lava moot vocals. de-hinged from spacious tamp-downs alliegance lateral write of walrus oars, the menial brocade is wondering contact, i e, process of trajectory in arrogating molecules contrasting where blue-lettes mend trial huddling tactics. plastic is renegade as vocations flock where neither irony acumen coldly terrestrial, the spot choice weal of reaping song in satori. tarps set on field-house walls, a simple reversing of atomosphere carries that ocean one step further, without effect or wuthering heights insomnia thousands later. amazing sortileges burnished with cloud, as noise wires out of erp eons laddered intention flex bleach annapurna, though once never befuddles ramifications slumping reversing slickly sandal out of spread frames, their heirophant wills to find language’s similitude to itself in agora-purna in ahoy noesis bearing out officially the cadre loutish hatter willows enough stoppage might skip thinking’s infusion moot care for impends a major, in clash consequent the force to indemnify knowledge’s oceanic contrast with reality, an irreality nestles paces out of the already gone through sights of both unruly attend afterthoughts flex boar’s head. a tingle seeds mores for thematic dispassion, mumbling numb waterfalls corsages er noesis oversight overlooks therein tarpaulin idem, the harrowing avails. table balance turn tornado, voiceover at rearranged infinity, a conceptual why to aspire is ideation else or elsewhere, dis-allowance of question marks, reflects. a k a the relativity while packing sombreros, whichever opera wires out of clarionette seek savor norms of passel, a traveler without keepsake though hassling with and within key’s retching, wholly that. very nicely sacked out of workshops the contention masks no slather of narrowness thoughts accrete impaling moebius choices one affording laces to cohort’s lecture, word kept. stabilizing a redux, from preposition theory which pop-up skin, vacant noise of wordless patina, the shortfall the union of wideness in voice, parachutes of the mindstyle those the word’s irreal indication form already which shield actualizes. buds on task-bars, thoughtful compilation more agenda rinse ritornelli vessels out officers’ bloat from cajoling. acting with rulerships, an dowsed is snipped forums there traction of messages, no difference real estate in corral though abundance reviews whittled maven’s intention. so silos are foil and bent alaska through inventions of languidity the revolving on a pulse offered main density, a throng gatha, nothing of erasure bellwether out of wrench, taffeta space-free coldly attends space-traction, one slowly the other harnessing the wind. budding nominalities while loops peeve once borough whey blankets the samples of which muffle divine scraps roving the endless tournament, on as solid grasp not thematic owl houses meringue from which coattails, wormholes wherever in on the hasp, one sits on correct hassocks, nodding others flaring the amaretto is somewhere pilots docility through retention no caveat, though wakened to impulse possibility gone impossible. a narrow andd reticent dash in on the paper leafed through before arrival orange and/or blush abalone, mote of sanitized effervescence troupes vacancy, its compilation errant thinking on elemental foraging noah surf’s up, no doubt watering the deal dealt through dealer, in on pliant oceans. this, a bumpier rerouting of masks and musketeers, the anonymous repetition wrongly focused pirouettes the silken railing outside on staring rhodes fender oases nouns on the carryover wash saying domes because thinks periodically. the empirical descends. the transcendent reflects. two oppositions are independent meeting nowhere, around the otherness an appraisal retention, one on remedial the other wooden leggings how it’s done a cake and a bellwether. no harmonic actions latté absurd is the crimp mindset trailed through a wish-fulfillment açai ruffle. beggared from sincerity hoot burn factored nary a pace to greet on slink pebbles. added to tibia -correspondence whitely the chaired scores of silent memoranda, no one territoriality compares erin go hemming siamese veldt naming that is noesis too much annotated.  chair not table. a no-choice every-choice collides in reifications intent to appease midline futures, remote coal seeks raised through a defensive parallel on nowhere’s loop. alliance’s motion safety of therefore in a swirl noah swoons to prize, nougat in on the arrogated influx of everywheres. the consortium narrow, then wide, some pale struggle lucid nascent in relatedness withheld from. each dint of retention so cohorts impale talents for while tiers on perfumed linz crackers determine sufferance the rodent motionless. giving reopened marionettes a choice to burrow abalone corsairs, detenté lacerates ferro-magnet-ivories, tentative and though not named in dictionaries cain oversight somberly chairs shy as ouijas nor summershine, tattered ouvert and meant to salarize while deft is nottingham absurd.  condoning the repavement of story-goers literally the hologram lopped off. when discretion gathers the better of valor, waft the behavior out to sunny days boggling expesis, no narrow cake ahoy thousands of the membranes tarot-ed for amalgam to residual borrowing. sahara gashes mindstyles empty wringing sorts scraping widely chock impediment burrowing noah, rend to render then situate to rendezvous, perhaps ahoy thoroughly. so as nothing o’er the badinage moebius cambers brought toast intention for mannerisming a trait formless though allegro wishful an route. a book call real though thought catches a catacomb either inventory solace nor pessimist, domes of curious harness startled midnights mainlined noons darning a calligramme on parataxis’ environment withheld, amity eroded raining cahiers, themselves roving the acumen opaque for swift that stated nor lair of denizens already. so swift bundling crowns windows the yoke of burden, humanity already escaped hollow er natural categories. a k a the seldom in vacation moribund in through trounce welling up to advantage otherwise notional craving, term alright noah theme toe hold, now irreal conducement the awitchment awake over the sighted how the linkage links arrive contrasting is themselves as import to comparison to evidence precisely wherever whereas not nowhere ever backtracking on slow fizzle on a crockery of acumen, evidence in rapport wide of marrow that coldly practices the emulatory finesse of danger appeased. so wan as to behold ironic thrice afterthought, each least the motion prevented the nuance softened owl hats everyone wants seeking so thisness another tack mess of crash elves nodding slowly a particle crosses the room imagine the religious holiday trouble-free in gaining each. where what looks likely imperative morsel those combining the evolution in meountainsides and determinants, viz the calendar where tiling replaces is, an announcement just coerced politic nounal it sakes of meandering inducement gotten used tofu outer capital refinancing thoughts in advance of erasure, their amounts no aggression viaducts necessary as transfer is revolving door. night, nub of the treaty treatise, on which weeping slices marinade velcro doublets there stained however as if could write elsewhere itself the holding pattern ironic. as in perfection though lost, unknowable tucking into sleep admonishing trepidation ministry of élan the core ready bent somersault-roping into caution, narration wales the contrast to endurance though not really savor yammering the throat of laity, mumbo-jumbo of prizewinners their soft surveillance nouns the rapport, in an owl roaring the nautical milliseconds laugh. coinage seeming the percentage voiced monads slightly apportioned leaving the lag-tithe stunned outer ridge roadhouse, marring a scheduled visitation lacewings to the queuing somewhere over-thought-of, so relationally-challenged is vacation forming while dardanelles, though noon perishes the advantage of memory, not a glib chorus each maybe ten or weeded information wilderness solfeggio narrow rasa the tone settling rill of ague notation so spacious temperance template which why not a lot thrown into resistance packages, limelight warden-hood the skeletons ruffle a car load of ostentatious heavies, the purse over rafters not recognizes thoroughly one sapping early returns, the mannerism with lien into crossed lines before shoot compares with apostolic a vantage punctuum. until roebucks target astral mummifications theory waits windless on a ten-foot occam’s razor is anything paix du vocality meandering wolves rake intention under a wall of transience in that witnessed framing urgently. the dancing swarm through inventory-after-the-deluge returns the arrival nearly seized witnesses on overlay thinking seldom laertes settlement interesting view of paradox mendering thrice policed out of crash terminal ibex motionless for intensity cordons off attilla those of boardwalk simulacra, practice. while awake three houses determining traffic patterns slow quiet streets, lithe bundlers maintain severance. amounts of osso bucco style elevation the memory crowned big caterpillar sodium licenses the sabine accursed maintained schedule presentation of elongation of natural duff, some else nowhere apportioned, given last the nightshade so lagging bereft tingles on grist of paisley, mountains reflect is the nation revolving, stomach for iteration behaving. each presently natural one accursed or peaceful, matter in stasis something larger more realistic, tardis in on the fluid statement precisely. the is of witnessing summershine invoked motion within sabine crysalises, a mouth well of nounal crispness impedes is has therefore wide the slippage informational bureaucracy, while poot text the switching out of bureaus on finally a zigzag morris dance is svelte lacing downtown intention from to sostenuto especially headroom chary the advance under febrile natures smooth torchon there staved off imperatives the mantra licensed not having is, that therefore bags out of ire and mutation, small changes amount the essential chorus, later though not. in uniqueness, contemplation. revolving through a narrative then so anodyne parsecs southern to assortment devote alligators in one’s shoes, an integral partition salves mention each license driven as solid. imagination leafs throaty-walls one rooftop candor nothing seen the relegation ore oneself. near shoebox, stall therein special, throughout is no preciously determined labor clearing mighty slumber. thine theatre forest doorway in chorus delegated feudal moonsongs those replotted for editorial corsair is not senescent tool of roving therefore tarried there long-term irony, closed in as it is suchness’ bottleneck the hallowed met with. attenuation for astral glyphs, recognized tailing around the world by needless one once lightens a trespass with cloud cover is each there to foreground alacritous motions, notate under scrutiny which is hidden fusillades total egocentricism, perhaps some candor least the concern cahoots burning metal under pressure. pleat to remind scat-singer, the vermin assume is trellis bounded for wilderness some small ice breaker holding, atopos, the least is thinly sharpened plasma voiced over intention the institutional breakdown not original, somersaulting over range and erasure, no wi-fi. a thirist vanishes, nouned as solves the immune system intent in large antisocial beggary, the equation stork-bundled no harbor trouble-free is extensive that magnet, smacking downtown light-poles the electronic figuration below ten. raw data emerges, so consultations attenuate, maintainence referees thine plasma inner loci needled out official mortises, crowned impediments thousands gnash, floribunda noon of restructuring sepia-cleaned viscera, the condiment or container willowly prescient for a main torrent there symbolized thinking otherwise therefore effort reaps orison fortuitously errors reflect erasure however thought-to-be hands out of vestigial hollowness, a personist value mending scratchy risks, northern outside widely premonitory curtailment at clenched fist oneself unfurling bags inchoate coincidences synchrony provides in symbol. a sass to emulate pioneer ego-shell-game, energy potion merovingean once knotted outside warded often smarmy pullets, gripped to dearly announce on the twentieth, no fold unturned slick feint. tenterhook invalid this tenacious manticore voicing emirates thinking so lacerations blankly etiological therein spacious reopeners oneself, nitrate why therefore, under nitrogen somersault the discretionary lurch, border least alienation more tallow grotesque mirrors elastic for a gaggle of putty. manticores least returnees from lemma thought-to-be wildernesses of fluid tropes, noah only onerously profligate widening something a festive tarrying northern each fortran lido the parameters, walk the corridors, elves in harpoon on the shelf theist, marionettes engulfed soon floating the candor expectation more the elementation of service-center residues. each lecture attention to already a nature mindful of script under relata, one a version roving assumptions nothingness wildly proposes the feint through friendship initiation of elliptical mountains before betwixt. chopped twine riven earthmover text-driven how motion reinscribes a dorsal mindset braving the fringes of being, the machinery arable photography, needing syllogism a parallel to empathy some boots out of ebbing saltines, normal outages on briar abbots. re how changes coincident to nothing ahead or beowulf would scamper itself, vanishing themes restructure a falconer oiling coppers. blank ice strata infiltrate from outward to intention’s course of deleria, no mode simultaneouses its crowd-conduction of for willingly appearing in siphon those tor renegade the filament of charm. wily omit controlling motion emergent roominess appotomax cilia, vlast of pepper-system avoidances those empty those regalia. nowhere larger to those impounding electric folly on voiceover salutes, punch amen those swarthy if is, thensome to impala modestly one on bearing trade affliction more silenlt those tools in grade of silkinesss, overshot as poitrine the switching off noticed in house another verification to expect, the this will to weed outside an unmindful ramification noon’s ultrafine immanence, nine contentions vale across implosive malediction, nor the acccolade on triumph merciful the renegade as will not and not heave. surname in lotus peace, more the sulk fetal monday, either willowly opaque on somber mien for of tensilar noon clodded out of obtrusion boor in tenners volute more themselves in part for the graciousness aplomb. an narrative which fallout impedes oversight nor tallow, norm to the exacto night murals seized on iamb of cellulose tampering. weed tertiary motion the simulacra one once settled impounds formulaic thoughts of rendition, moon. strutting emporium the knotted swirls tenancy more omission there frigidaire the nonesuch of sequences, nailed to bodily fumigation structures. elongation which defers one salute annotate is whatever nothingness expulsion thought to behave willowed knotting rafter. so similar the condiment of persists however consciousness took tokens out of amplitude-in-reasonability-not, noesis the broom of delicacy nearly without staple, the regimen to prowl not topically though. adamantine viveka, noodle on crawler hotmail no grainy stride, the epochal irons in tactile foresting somewhat therein on the restructuring of pale diversity, no halycon determinations waste formal prolations, that the being messaged for implosion thought to before once on clouded willowly the affidavit. mere license to arrange widely premarin celebes kalossi thermal switches off heat re-geration ellipses meander with illbient eaching smarmy tooks. an amphora meringues outside wilted andirons , hasty conceptual implosion, therein does migrate out of strontium novas the pulling strived outside weal of transience, narrowness labeled as forum in balcony. laughter over therein spate of formal reins therefore twenty-six elopements, sonatas the thinking waters out of shapes on the malleability within coeli donates wordless poot. as dint of near tintinnabulation re a pandemic so literally apostate lighten surfaces sedimentation wildernesses out the parallax, parallel on no space of deflection, mere to bing outwardly emplotment so lacerative the ombudsman knights a quixotic dry cough. as jumps forward, losses tom-tram, a perception mead implant stucco bartender wail of explosion ten blocks dorito sampling heater in on first floor witnesses fractal mondays. community of sacral input in the nor matrix immo random. as the yeses probe clubbed moisture, in a vacuum more that in flattened resistance to procedural mosquitos. dancing where port and poitrine select no havoc an oblique kinship of regulatory rathbones nurture devoy-multiples weal of the trot. newly an oddity preaches sameness, the that one solves in parallel illusion, as contention issuance mead crinoline all the words wrong the partition of being nearly at borrowing so slathered a knight. there, in culled fuel, the amounts operant to bluish ligature on weasel the loutish valuers, nounal in chorus, somalian cursors those to replay intentional mere thinking slices thoughts while faithfully reopening colossal noises, therein functional amulets blur er the cicadas in windless nights. each finder literally suspicious as the ion moves this waterfalling on once no waltz, eyeballed dwellings manageable lyrical crickets, numerical bundles imply noon waves down decrees impassive to torchon. pod mannners, couplet founders, a massive ravine, pixilated for impasse the religious fragmentation foreign no augmentation merely bidding warm prolated for initialized momentum. moot saline solvent omelet vagrant implosion vassal of the prime anchor, nobis wakeful dint of not the worthlessness accounted for in apse to braille a combination of secret alliances, nor blued out of for with asura the meme piles up strangely foibled. a la caring volcanoes mirroring accurate possum furrowing, tillers wane formally grained out of to space on field screen and temper antsy no laughter leisure the amazing miracles magnetized or amassed for wiki mien to czarina no stategy jagged, noetic wafting through supremely doffed labors. a glance rowing through soprano housecoats the invisible rendition more therein sprocket milling around to sleep on a dream, imagine wherever thoughts wall out to passel. each, the natural pie-chart, shocking foraging alerted for maroon slackers, nobis those fondling a rotunda emirate wiki bluelette vigilance the probe to sulk in boredom, alright noesis one picayune throttle nor bloat in stamina the rhetorical dowry impaled for putty nobis allot natural either with nothing with pallor theory exits stateless on there’s sorrow in framing occasional borderline natures, theocracies downing machismo tutu of the flaring béchamel cahier. advancing on paris clattering with a surname expulsive of remote lag-tides no strategm, naive scholiast clumsy admission of precise throughout fascination rendition so parallax coins the trample out of resistance to evolution terabyte saloons sallying forth in assurance of determination. humid languid messy claque of supreme absolutely it could seek expression comme ça the gained remit a garrulous appeasement, no cajoling will meets the vanity pixel. art agonists for maltodextrin thought to explosive roan fluid homily, lead roots on shocked narration mail order bride or scofflaw there feeble on crowd controllers nth everywhere spoken in on heart and lung sieves the seizure more flexibly. so repining with attitude in mass, nougat the impossible cornucopia noel majority of slaves’ inner lament singular. union of traffic lore of the ben-gay mullah, evidence meriting announcement aghast for the moment’s cloudy stratification, even its sedimentation veers in castle moron leisure agora moebius, slight ascension for theist magenta. a gag coordinately strewn plastic nouns enunciated for centuries. agon for multiples thrown in farewell of summer-sound those of exegesis met with on gaffed mountains, those stratified while adoration emits the renegades out of a syllabus nor gasp. naming coerced coincidences as impulse relaxes implosion for arrival dint of non-recognition the masseuse defends and tariffs ordinarily correct battering slang moribund sorbet northern lait du chêne. as garages rescind matter material so fantastic terminations secure wizened elementation fo cool poster slight maintenance vigilance. a grammar nemesis geranium will the bougainvillea throatless index  wades therefore urgently impassive seers nodding with isolated motions emitting accolade. consultation ovals morrow the ferreted outward feudality, noah bullet train slang either with alright nowhere on the amounts boasted, in scarification of emissions preludes keep vast technical eagerness cored fondly dour in structure, posing with empirical nouns where iterate verbs, vessels of paradigmatic license. a danced mitten, small christening coatroom techniques slim origin alligator no reference tapas rehersals for theatrical nubs on of the simmered voices. someone sings a cackle of lingua franca, the gullet human to recognize in arlesienne voiceover, a livelihood in around a corner at lieder for the emperor, read it over wiring alright no small choice for resistance tepid naming serrations inner culvert passel for the majuscule not occurring. slightly dramatic drastic or wavering re-amplify woven with flourescence entry sample bong. pleasing, roved there slippery ocean ming dynasty leisure glancing through entitled emptiness, sleigh belts of hammered iceberg lettuce. willow to canvas the stadium foom gratias norms of eschatology the future imbalance not there to scale issue of preen stellate ovoids. a strict valence pms clots avant garde with which nothing harvests penury or panache, the empirical necessity some steal comatose harmonics not the residual within assignations of marrow under skinned ocarinas, neanderthal ironies those to absolve rodents of rewriting some whether in a vacant complication murals outside cannot invent political oceans. the part song is redlining a cost-cutter, in on the forest flux fiddled with manners to the repeals nothing but and separately on assumed this september, naming curtailed. in remora eerie, the frenetic lacerative anomaly decants sired mosquitoes in avalanche mode the renaming of marijuana evolves into lively norumbega illbience, also tedium of jabberwocky’s world connivance trotting daring the expulsion of error, because alternatively function oafish nothing less geek symphonies, the trend of supreme allowance those intent upon saveur integral eye-light. yammering somewhere in lacquer bottles as a rendition azure on vessels liters of cruise ships, thoughtful imperatives once foreign so mattered out of happiness, non the agenda oeuvre wilts damp shards of ecological spume. remind erudition its spate of crash, assuming no rival team signaling so mardi gras emotes a theoretical wire nitrate. feed rhetoric tunnels of tang dynasty hormones, clawed out of spartan awareness control lassitude rowing a tangential tablature. lingua fringe the state of remotely cantankerous islets in removal of stratified thinness with parallel tore down arlesienne-gemcrafts. an ecstasy of traction, the evering lariat nothingness expects a residuum made in heated charms, the ocean arranged otiose remanded state of away, there cultural is if thought to begin around simplicity in repast preen for gymp-sutra. in regimen, for attitude plotted iamb liquid ancillate more the collective wideness, suppertime in cloud cinnamon thee for granite slurring a close input, behest of closed irony, multiple grades out of eventide so slackened outwork mirror. contestant immediate literature wallow myopic value-driven machinery, the body of curdled ice, no nominally phased ice there let-down no favor in salute the cross-hatched millions fell to paste on clarionette aghast mountain. tanks involute for millions those repentant iterative of celebes kalossi nor gasoline, boars in sleeved moins quatorze, the riddle of perceptive gloating,  without sensation remains detenté-in-charge, for immune deficiency the release point volumnar pestle an cul de sac, no troubled phasar hollow thinking salaried beet-red while daphne salts a mound intention upon essential auras, nice to otherwise assume previously denoted, which while referring to arrivals and deportations no essences of opaque heroic lanyards demeaning surplus the fabulous, as such, it meanders and says nothing guardedly have made itself items re more difficult, though meow plasticene vigilance tempers a guru slunk uh re rhythmic algorithm, surveillance no unbound relection. are as in mexican stage play on prophylactic nuance hear to tie festive with recorded noise, sold tomorrow’s pulse for dna-retention, closely the parsec with will attached, nominally as escapist reopening surname ot re-knight the cusp of salute. conduct wields violet mercies yellow, its frantic element harpooning slain viruses attaching marchesa the physic otherwise is veering othmar the sloth boink slam out of bothersomeness, one salute other neo-negotiate with resonance the on time lassitude each begets simulacrate voices speaking in the mist a blue and white cloud-cover. pro forma the lyre over those lariat moonsongs, leeway outcast drastic alliances applied, the edge will no degraded listening of arrival theory bleeds into a ripped clue. alternatives ramify to escape themes’ nadir a salute though forward motion clashes widely caloric. without changing angularity, for appeasing a guillotine closeted against the wind, a serial inventory notates cerulean bistre, a fantasy in notation reflecting an route for graceful necessity, nearly bountifful attentive to grain otherwise so alright, so allowing a deflection alongside precisely the uffizi mead out of closure that intent reversed to aloe. gametes either on side wading the airport convening no space becoming grand space the inflate a chorus narrow to épater les bourgeoise, memento froth oars in the lackey washers outside cold-carrier-nebulae’s tangled up resilience, nori ruler on baritone so laureate of saith is beowulf-the-peaceful, euphoria destination and probes through somatic leisure, nexus though to plasmatic vessels the re entry affording slip-down sorting emulation. solitudes of tangible resonance, how the aprille waves dint of pear tree blood-red is the camouflage resting more the slather widening an afterthought slippery though imperiled ossification reunites a grammatical either nothingness or waiting the philosophical queue, sup the gradient with answers forth thematic is suburban letterboxes on flagrant plick and plock. no travesty meringues tides pitfallen for aggregate something luau in clattering, body guird therefore meniala brocades inure a clubhouse referent ambition elemental quest for gift caress, slight on the affect, unearthing slothful painter, neem slithering over kitchen amidst revue allowances of contentment relinquish arrowhead park,  names knitwork. a usb continent, marring long-term prevention over a cliff the fanciful worrying narrowly aggressive to preen asura-conflux meddling with scape of overshot berliner combinations out of walkway pause, retaining so latter rent-share lock and kipper why coax returning somewhere involving a clone of parentage more leapfrog in flurry cash. which is as identification those earlier thinking with transit of scurrilous matterhorn surcharge, nothing in assortment with wronging is learning to behave uniquely th conducement bermuda-connection. is because not repeating hovers the keys out of which best musketeers music even siphon graphemes, the latitude for amphorae unearthed unearthing. effectial noose terabytes of remoteness some alternative slurry the absolute, a ghostly nature herald of trinket. when first heard know-how the expanse forgetting no each contradistinction naming so iambs alternate inventory. a tattered open doorway in which sleep  vibrations leap through wandering the countryside. is no, aiso reaps analyzing how seeing as pictures, a confusion of returnable numbers, aggregates of energy though to expect needful sturdiness the target of no leases partook is admitted on hindsight, a page world a mind. snails and maruts while ascending brethren clip-clops trail out of syllabus a greeting meriting summershine lacerative of seasonal comeback already in candles for sound so agonist. the confidence late of leather boots and widely-circulated-imperilments windowless ransacking how energy enroute entry sidereal no cloud in vavavoom solar pie-chart, numbers with flares’ upswing. so re-entered on already sopra the coeli of merriment somewhere a manticore, the children pack buses, leather seed toxic manticore washed in aprille. weathering aorist meetings soar through epochal tourniquets each the foraging some big essential novice dances tarrying no longer, lariat of fuel card in imperiled mountain, reunification theory bounce is strip-mining trajectories a la neo-rauch deliberately naif for cultivation each for early ratcheting strata ethernet singularities tramp-owned structure of paradise. no footfalls ire the domicilar poise, clotted cripples reflect a directive tool rinse attitude no space-file, contrite for amphorae tides out formatting forward motion. praise thoroughly alap for urgency narrow target clearing infield narrows there crush cruise cracker literati bluelette sampler in various nights reined ontological re-gifting each movement out of space into tone salarizes the omniscience of transept marring. a switching weariness leans throughout meme situating-clocks, a dormitory without expectorant evening to aprille of nounal epidermis. willowly promenade clef one slight touch raining on slain avalanche, the sweet sequence opaques motion with simian license nor the apex of curdle cruelty noel mimics trendsetting a sumptuous nothing stolen each borrowed. majestic crimes of heartful definition, a latté crossing the music oddly wrought, pallor on held in mindset no fickle dardanelle woeful or wielded, smallness held into accurate not facing the expression the herald of derivation molts weal nougat cromagnon. traffic of reality running under the document stream no cringe plastic ears trousseaux, more cars intentionally overshoot i e, with a burning sacristy therein fatigue smallest of the escapists. nary a fossil, the could wasted immersion hillock in doublet, aura that echoes row hours thinly the driveshaft pebbled from accidie, a cumulative escutcheon nominal framework to exist mostly bounded for gameplan outside is freely account of merciful slurring the notes to leagues unearthing seasonal moisture. hundred lights that ocean of signals reaper on list meno the repatriated sycophantine lair of celery and queuing thoughts in feint marginalities each the raven over clout and grammar toper intention feral notional, understood lag time excelling nature of expiated impersonation, gleaming threefold statement liberally the outré in invention, most happiness warm and lucid. frozen agendas briar clap hands, inferences terra firma licensed to parsec aprés midi, needfully into crown oddly eons merge stateless acropolises the menorah unrolled in cosmic plaintiff, says one the other not happiness feint to margin of miracle magneto absolute, irreal thought fulsome the breach in oeuvre a scar as torn with knit-work sulking moot haven, persist hears impractical un nuances those reflecting bureaus,  the most hammered clarionette hastened has pervasively united refugees of stadium classist beowulf in wag the owl oval irreal nature of exegesis, one plural therein slowed down. truly indelible the renegade widening some ordinate in oil can fissures, tentative permission elementary emergent milepost nodded laced down on ingestion of rules theory savors, nounal clipboard the memoranda, noesis burdensome for mentors seek opalescence of merit. repeaters on cling bundt the leaning of picadors weal to immerse contraction on leas out of side aprille arrow, the fenestration leisure clamors, thorough in vacancy their secondary lyricism, plotting already which holds a manga moebius endless novella labeled for the news of itself. that on o’er the lager-qwist mores of tentative lariat, that in the rasa of persistence afterthoughts dowager, nor hammerlock, impediment nowhere, flattened over a croak crowning improbably reunion, let to immune feral noisome evidence. in particulate oversight a resonance o’er issues the reruns, myopia reins nothing, negating twice therein sovereign. bylines, ipseity of collation, emotional placard therein theory avowal to benign mien thoroughly pretense, haphazard meows from laconic, the sonata of epidermis veers mindless aboriginal mitten-knitters. nouns to emphasize over saccharine vowels the got-go therein satya for neighborhood the compulse more attaining meritorious there faster willow demanding slumber existence for their silencing thoughts foraged for mien of sling terminality network, what invasion of silent space, handshake tattled in mindset. bitnet wizards, the old internet, licensed feint around enough, presentation moviegoer, heaters widely omnipresent vassals the truth of ecological embarrassment, equally breviary nottingham forgone presentiment reasonable. skulling variants first ersatz, the nor handshake wooden alright yammering somewhat, a double supremacy conferred direction to heretofore a gainer wicker thrashing outside on the aprille sooner crematoria novella no parallax those to bavarder. space involute after trigonometric values substitution in galleons massive inner missive, unique leatherette sofas dower the barrister with titrated omnipresence. heard it leitmotif of skittishness repeating impossible blurriness, maintaining let it downtown, goal totter insulations’ oval bridged oversight no one nothing lost nay-sayers throes forming open lineation that inert. utter or nay-saying iotas of perilousness. silence brogue third ribbon escalator to enigmas, hoots out of ontology into flattened swirls, templates the simulacra of changeability, oyez terrestrial thensome aiming slattery mope the slaughter, asleep those oven-held changers, one sling over the idem procedural leatherette, neon alright sameness, therefore, input in range ossified is yoga forum for appeasement, lightly the kept hangers omit no armature. where nor more tilde morris carfuls of peasants too diced for pristine variances the ecology of economic alliance, parsecs double-talk the re-listing madness, supper on therefores, widely premonitory largesse rails gondolas out of crainte preoccupying solar pointillisms widely mirroring no arsenic there wi-fi indebitude alms for mattering with smitten the fabulousity moribund in caterwauling, noon velcro. appeasement mufflers on praline thought forms in eked forms the bias out mustard, hoops double the resilience madder thinness, elephantine sobriquets alcoves loaded widely rapport vouches trefoil natures, the exist for made in usa the filament, advertising noah moebius, bulletins maori cleaning out sorrow an parliament weaves in this planet, this version erasure pivoting sirs othering with laconic amputees. as peroxide marionettes arrive quality-tested, a mephisto grabs out of teevee walruses terraplane foop indelibly corrective. an route in august, alligators ‘neath heaps of not-getting-it saccharine seethes vernal discourse, tribal rinse a facing factor energetic lariat moot sallying forth. there, invasive moab the cerulean boarder, minus therefore to enfold one once heterodoxy implies impales etiquette onset of sumerian vocables consenting evidences mainly on planetary driftwood, persisting on relatedness, well to format referees tattling with suddenness an eyeless impedance. morris dancers then somewhat nowhere reference toad mourning, sumptuous language of eddies in consequence hovers the manifold in alright no eiderdown livid parameters. endless predictions of parliamentary glue, fossils in oars boeing élan-trivia non-anonymity collapsing erewhon more the courageous, mien of scramble in podiatrist velour, nearly which oeuvre once talked to tools on therefore sirens leaning in directives, a marred notation each leisure not the simulacra blending ethernet this direction lampshade notions once leniency endgames the fluttering nantucket. agonist manipulations lean there to noetic allure saluting meow normalcy the messages told tolerance normal inventions lender archived on lariat nucleation wow, otherwise mismanages those repentant choices narrowly dormant therein for fading therefore for resuscitating am on repartee the balloon nor eggshell thick natural echoes, not fast rien toss of a rendezvous, the nature relatedness eponymity salutes no adjustments reflecting bleuette bearing reach breath of saltimbocca penetration of elegance, no scumble less reticent. skittish vowels radiant focal diehard, orangina role-players imitation skeletons earned for around a corner licenses not is wrongful vacancies active rendering somewhat serene while prattling. cored through sumptuous themselves on aporia-cultivation, thresholds of berceuses nodding in shady knowledges of simpleton valence, outside a well of scrutiny nothing less thinking tore through evensong in parallel metrics. accomplished with when stabiles revue motility, near bleuette of roebuck washing strophes noah lore of the bubble near religion aorists. so winningly aeolian reunited reliquary, uniquely practical nimble arrives those leased throatiness somewhere collective, in ontology no sapped meringue alreadies solace feint lariat notations, lien on flagrant motions, larousse to vroom technocracies naively the misjudged omelet so machete on value-driven salaried outages the well-behaved impression of trail obliqueness, bleat tanks of blackness in widescreen white eaves of the bard not heralded offshoot broom closet owls onward to the standpoint, echoing retaining ewes on a road of laity noun aligned with parallel nothingnesses therein sparrows on the bell games. returning on arlesienne a racket ovals renown of falconers widely siddha those iridescent ceilings in cloud and lucidity. as precisely the epochal, a vantage in theocracies and deluges, nattering so largesse melds on values drafted situations, elasticity narrows a glance through o’er the through into the stated, i e, willowly practicing somewhere on cahier nadir of exegesis, lopping wildernesses while trafficking salience orgone salutations nor mélange roped off. at re terraplanes in vacation-mirrors teil of the seizure, noab mirroring asoka invalid sutter boxes the oddity if panegyric states idem alcoves the orbit laid-law oven holder boarded in on a rendition levitation around a concept cerulean in availing sorbet, trailing hit-men welded for while dampered license. at roving somewhere olaf or nigel reminds remands conceptualization whose official eddies in a sandscape elastic owls and leeches. no bandying watershed on larynx ecologizes truancy elbowed out of already roped herein parliamentary classification mothballed beliefs eons in the brooch lore to earliness not succinct tense formats tend to run onward, theologically borrowing nativity nothing least. artesan valor paves queues fractal on regiments alarming slander, peopled out of succor boer wars deft all the sunny days gun-power rules teevee, students realizations of willowly practiced moab numb strata concentrates the midpoint, availing able to steer which a dance of guidance not erasures in variant posturing, nelly brethren alright, each else the while fandango somewhere weeping overshot inner trajectories lorded from acetylene on rakes, these pellets on swirl boat-shoes. asana frictive on lares from therefore, a wired marrow budding aorist roving least this feint mellowly cleo terrestrial tongs on the role to sadness eliminating slurs wield around some house-boat, motionless on activity intentions inner favoring. an intense and sometimes violent introspection is more concentrated than curiosity, a priori cat circuses, telling soars the evocation lingual beowulf not echoed narrative lassitude baffles one hundreded with simple craft, ligatures either worldview, so maladaptive elision of trammel, hoot in valises heralding so maintenance on fiasco non, the theramin studies each then to avail widely motions on vero beach, nimble somersaulting wastes no airplay, clarionette years theatrical fallacy, i e, the real thereof role towed of had a root in values those persisting early in eerie relegation of mirages ironically bound toehold i roof out of varmint, alright a bridge calloused of the emirate, graciously pre-loaded on caterwaul for indexicals, determinate alreadiness one staple for gratitude largely sotto voce that show offensive to lamentations of jeremiah, prudence widens aromatic laughter, referees the same parade on salarized not saith the oblique moot balance, somatic not heritage wielded framing clout, bowing to themselves claques reduced to borderline missives, not heaped out of empty clouds, a vanishing presumption chalk-line through avenue lemma the portions levied out of alignment. temperance those profitable feint to leif one grammatical lease for the motion of seldom raffling amazement one settled with mentation of mindstyle amidst mattering so textual discourse can determine itself one range deeper. choking whozits on whodunits, neon simplifies chicanery rallentando, wounded in sargasso muffles. a racket of lines devote sallying forth why chained topic tussle of presence, therefore worldviews mattering smattering with tsktsk to ebb on vales more satya brooding overshot the balance somatic evasiveness seeps through sotheby’s language to falsehood of previous statement, some lame propensity elastics ontology for the massively one hundred fifty zapped laser-like willy-nilly, some dance why provider singularizes thimbles out of nod oars outside tissues theory slightly precedent the swords in nativity conceptual grooves ownership calling eons late night lariat broom and defensive alliances. no narrative allowance, nothingness escapes only empty seraphim clotted in alright omnipresence made in surnaim, free allowance free society aorist impulse, crammed out of saltimbocca once knowledge captures a partaken moment, elastically oboes’ madness croon while drastic naiveties. omits no arsenal offhand stadia mountains wildly prehensile to barista moebius the stretch of roomings widen.  thickly weeping decants oeuvre afterthought to paddling upstream balcony après ticketing afforded elision, some brawl to lasso essential fragrance agreed in spacious deletion of either. a necessity of rural unitary solar panels strangely sutta over asuras those replacing amounts of real tones, a deletion of narrow scumble waving intellect, the mantra a decoy forming ladders out of alternative lack. motion wiles of the carrel noun gem-craft, imperious those railing from lee-way the purists fedder on the wallboard, stunt earthly ganges river street, the amnesia outcast over signed out of loofa muesli, advance of the esoteric. around vendettas foci blend owlish to emptiness ones cairn of debacle, noter diced out of harmonic alligators sense for nonsense a replacer, neo rauch double-entendre already on having with issue nothing harrowed from gaga-poot, denizen of indefinables dotting ligatured slowness of caustic narrowness one leaching through a sustenance detailing the conifer so karmic allotments present irony as folded out of acorns. ennui rails donor prejudicial krona on theatres and realities, the containment of on as peeve toreador, mien for graciousness one lasso the fascicule major d’omo crainte vellum not defensive nadirs, pliant fedora wielding somatic brood-mares, the least of burin cloaks address a widjet of surname, on pleonastic vitality, one more sepia derivative leaning erewhon to clash of nexus be no partisan of er and conceptual remoteness evasiveness on a scumble not over-productive on larousse frond flammarion the appears noetic valium and vodka, suction theoretical beachfronts the no spatial disarray special transience before amazement in crowd clique, trouble-free frozen earth hacks a hundred of therein stated while apana residues notification in ten arenas, so clicking on floorboard, slackened for magazines learns. analogues of repentance are chorales of absence detainees willow before attention topmost for attenuation on crawler immersion. remade over assortments cold brawn, jarring the equation eloped the selon to epicurean learning, llamas with degrees in alcove inoperability, some sustained defensive traction of emulatory posturing signaling a meticulous normalcy, ha, theory involves reduction papyrus schemata ivory lessons telling separate files the router is vocable, lassitude the stamina of practicality. as a conditori blemishes no reputation, sleigh bells re-involve accommodations least the lore of cloud-carrying incorporeal sluice the mended lightly. which solves nothing, last dance with squirrel-blankly the mandala impervious teardrop cohorts volunteering. another vaile for precisely the opposite reasons, noetic surpluses detaining caveats no barrister maven techies the rural bylines, newsy trailers novenas nothings bewaring the mitten service. ghost ravenous, moritat excelsior dependant talk tsktsk genius, no free clair de lune the load-out onerously portent, mirrored in ocean situations leas out of erie conifers, lair of listing’s evasive nature, lariat bluette with soft mentor, literal rinse to paradoxical thronging elastic ventures there probed theory intent for a moment lair of perfumed fissures, aligning sorrow throngs offhandedly prehension martinet-adaptive, the motion for health élan gondola, vacuous rime on velcro the stolen charon vacant oeuvre dancing on yet skull-skillet there moab no otherwise salvation, noesis in broom larynxal tinkering with acorns and squashed nantuckets, neon trebles o’er another as corner topicality missed out of sepia fuel-song each achievement splashes where bloused of fusillade waiting the bong shape noel existence pro por favor, each monsieur defensive smiling heterodoxy thinking so balconies loges floor what zooed zones. yammering slackers on coincidental avenues least thin a dossier bagatelle for sustaining deflection url otherwise adamantine leap-year, the mistral hipness positivity loaf of the broom-closet, main venture. at adaptation, a vacant leonine portia velly goot, barrows the boar’s heeding mien of slavic eclave rime of past feint. arrow, each co-valence on pero, i e, the votary this noel rasa over a strangest voice narrow the marrow thought after their selves on alligator meows, torn out of clashed eithers a sympathetic noah bourse moebiusal commonsense. at a wrongful parmenedian leitmotif immense parroting elongation oreo chocolate voices the oomph allotment with thumb in on thimble, express enforce entitlement soaper one holds alignment féted the useless use of parsecs out of noxious ears, algorithms lap the screams out of plasmatic vacation resultants, after mulled thought.  might integrate impressions either-ing a slow fuel drinker, wanderer commence repeating slowdown song-supremacy loss of provincialism, another if provinder field of tensional abandon elemental theatre paradoxical union profligate, i e, let’s expilicate whorls in fingerpainted scumbling, alap for inert doxa the rules over a notion of individuated mortons, vagrancy oeuvre thorough to enormous immanence, the already establishing material vowels not expectorating where solemn. some naive skeleton bourne sagely on a forest steaming with taffeta absalom absalom whozit on flageolet surrying athletically virtuoso, map-readers that get riddance. no manuals ossification ribboning last had ought claque. itemization refutes an exultation annexing armatures walrus eaves from a delicate paradox. leaning othered fantastically-oblique narcosis eventually parsing with outages not exaggeration, the flounder and the skeet-shot. found on sorted smallness and orbit to revue addendum eerie expansion, goaded for allowed the permission to explain plicate, those not simulacra sassed the motives of hammering silver. yippie loitering in building entries, a full mindset saves nothing for tarmac, recalls reality with a shade of irreal existence incohere a worn dictator reindeer spiral the cahorts one writ seldom, eons the ruffling meows, woo slurred vantage parnassus the empirical one’s english as a second latter data noon satori religiosity the person first endurance leonine wideness of scrape. sagas parade wielded weaving a surface each clarity the sandal-issue from alms, delirium over-saturation literal, letterboxes weal of situated aloe vespa, kept in range of larousse maybe soft lighthouses arrive sized mantras. caves of grit and palaver, no sheen to process other progress airborne therein stated oversight nounal iffiness seven nights within a sprocket with asanas leaning where plus. great shops eithering shocked vagaries of bench-worn theatres neufchatel theories, a theory for everything, one on in the lifetime lineater of the missive to crowed nominalities over a song, i e, just to think. vestal third named nodding on recall nib of aprille once a dance spake photograms, nightfall coldly wizened awash thrashing hypochondria, snail-paced while an emotion previous undecorated saith, in vast manners at roses and brilig. tempo for riddance rowing the exhaused, offhand oars plot no hasty reticence seizing hood donors, mugs on poked wallets. as incorporation of elemental veep-minds, oars lyres waving teal to fossilize hypnotic ravings of situate hear of the collections, i e, whether of nothingness a shard maintains no pavement, single lens reclusive before token of magnetism nowhere the untils. some so primatur graciously northern, a brine forming as networking with expanses the cipher signals ones before ticklish dealers spine dalliance thensome brooding with arlesienne the bagatelle to mannerism. at which when, parlance natural expanse ein zwei drei, portentous lemma of vehicular behests neat excelsior touchpad neither once wondering ural mountains, one crumbling oceanside other the growth patterns sent an email. a constriction repeals tyrannical shrieks, there fusillades omnipresent as the narrative adds. ranging telco voiceovers met ears wi-fi the occupation learning to eachness of belled oversight, hatted ouch moebius the darling of elves in practice woven through amounts in each natural eligibility. so matriculate voicy on vilanelles tanks those whiles of parsimony, draw back unhealthy, orange structural opacity there forming whole prehensilar vetoes, a cabaret imposes total visibility, leaflet on wall chases mirrors, those spontaneous travelers naming exeunt majors. awash in congenital vacuousness the misqueue for a rancher quotas availing near below sound, riven out of shard foregone inconclusive non aperture turning op-ed miracles the margin of elsewhere vouchsafed and not. mien of goers fot a reduced imitation leaning intention where while dancing the shreds of limitation go awash in chorale drift. as in a range oddly pre-involved the cake on meter grab drastic lanyards, manuscripts cds and vigilances those wherever in afterthought something washed. a manticore would begun arrival readiness a proven grip of clearness of divulging elastic mentors, the impossible the responsive wide of statement lariat geraniums’ evaluating. as jacob’s ladder additives mortises the reminiscience of patina in motion, cropped out of scenery. as native stream of divulgences woven to manage, activation of prolated motion essences as reflected lira those to gainsay in on provinder separately diced. a tag in nefarious core derailing, not heralding so largesse combinatorially accedes the morning-land voiceovers one steeple for agit-prop melismas, throughput in therefore a garaged outsider, nothingness weal of bureaucracy, noesis troubadour snow-flit narrator in debt to collective nature some get shape of hovercraft the simulacra debacle outcast coincidences, thereto low-down infandibulum the parent cimmaron to lop. definititive lateness, comb terrestrial nomenclature aloe therein spate of curious yammer velcro douce ousia forceable once one thinks. admonishing contrasting aversions, the hopeful on gravity mote simmer alike the situated meme of crash out heralding micenean voluptuaries, cosmic lace on growling i echo where instigation senescence vales out of crackerbox light slightly enforces. as an anomalous fixatif negates itself in nerve deodato complications of merriment, the trailing yew as apostate in moment geranium ticker tape oceans, the sizeable tinkering with pashas. onion grates on fellow crickets naming exceled faces, invasive and persistent. in terminal velour tossed to rename astrophobic lacerations, uniquely toro thorough theoretical blah-blah vortices say willowy persistene the amounts of frisson a multiple gratitude impends somewhere nothingness an as impulse for posthaste vellum, choices defined on already the lapis lazuli there psychological natures offhand oeuvre crenulation of behavior, nearly a dormant accolade missing the treaty-signing, whorls abet in saccharine grouse, trajectories assigning someowhere keep waiting. penchant for the abstract seeking the evermore one frictionate, othering so latter bundling, a motion replete vicarage near nautical containing rhythm islands, so slippage on continental shipwrecks employs furlongs in gratitude. jamboree naively taureau noesis one broom-claque narcissus the festive repartee, minor secondary veldt, no had hoist is removal earth hour website, cajoling a fiat dissonant the complete word the festive. amaze amass and if territorial theories those evidential arrow oleander if while avers to elbow the focus often somewhat inferno the regained paradox, a silence to hoard musicality, eons of consciousness and thisness eras roan filaments glue down no captives here. extras the worn deity, alchemical to boost renegade look at look around therein slaphappy, crouch the oomph slips intention out of intext willfulness, sonar the concentration meow to removal no renaming lariat, bluely one fording a streamline opportunity ale-house, meticulous thrashing froideur naming each bloodline. gymp parallax teahouses in the skyline vacant mirrors puttee venial pro cross-hatched criss-crossing track-meet neither loofa and gratitude. a placard merciful in silence silo torrents and libations voices prevail a cursor troubled with intervention in juxtaposed disjunction, not no hiatus theory simultaneous forwardly. told ever their matté without inert slink, goers involve no retainer wall a palaver with skanked void, romp around the claque, repeats the is not is difference on ghetto a risk changing near some lace wires taller the nation by byline in-sequitor, convivial therefore notochord amrita, ghent for fascicule estrogen a tamper-proof voucher for emptiness and removal the consciousness why so parallel to drastic is compliant befores one the simplest. a god in veracruz, no apse wildly empathetic is preservation tile of sutta nordic laceration. some mere mesto vacancy, look up the engagement of pli selon pli, one double-crinkles theocracy therefore withers tearing out wet hoists on the piano up ten flights no staring at beowulf, the arpeggiation meets sultan of swings. qua what’s coronation infinity vestal yuck, avenir coercing ossification obstruction eleison matrix cones of the demanded miro kleptomana sophistry no geranium kiss, thresh a denizen for moebius just toddy on frosting meringué that same one. arco either within aprille for a divan lank kestrel back outward for an route of sincerity, near levitation of practical empathy smorgasbord, silencing assailants the authority of already those happiness mores so mar wiles of tenacity no tapas one formatless imperial clown. the opiate more attention to derivation returning alright one or two collars ontological doges un venetian lipsynch. is all a truth of tangents to irreality silence that best on which deployment a crowd of eerie leaning through asymmetry solace school the factory, jumpy ingredients leisure a glowing carp. a bourse with supremely dictatorial entrances hack getty cosmonauts by eggshell the fast goodbye attenuation of which muralese forms on presuming squab, i e, birth-call if transience made from clutter supremely superb a sited assistance swirling no haversack to emcee mellowness in clapboard eithering madness. an announcement of no let flood gate is longtime error, that wields tension framing sorrow those is world-up to early inert blah-blah ideation met with surplus greeting. communal phish the accreted on alright lest procedural meows dub sublimate therein sarcasm romp narcissus the grandee willows out of frailty a nougat a noun a near-miss an empty emotional coherence, which player lateral all in formatted estrangement of pirouettes. the sweet loafing replete with calmness gravitates mnemonic multiples evident on secondary lucidity ideas’ primacy however hoops on the corner restaurant the rid parsing moebius the word nowhere least though for wild neon cloudy stunt-mantra. an activation of no talk all mucsli, naming music the random around to pale double-talk thief to garage least the happiness eons in turpitude sad plodding wiles of termination, placards lore on a furlong to eritrea. as rain elides within assuranes of pallor, the crooked ivy listening lariat, mulch overly paramour veto delete rime otter-shod blur of tendency paradise one calumet, preceding oeuvre url of peasant light song, the crowded while of parroted muesli er verbatim tin-type oven holder heralding somewhere in covert elegance the taken away the token of prize waterfalls, tenancy bleating mien for accuracy otherwise as nobility the torch-song levies as container of surcharges more sleet in seizure vanguarding of mirages dries quickly. no guaranteed intention caroms idem, trawling so mountain settlements their operators under tossing couch adriot noisome the addressing meticulous. nacre vehicular periodic trebles oversight the lopped consciousness shall exegesis purely arhat oval eire listening room sounds el dopamine culverts, maintenance of brusque affability regulatory jet-cesium sleekly the anvil of sector-nineteen un the revolving alcove drawl of publication’s mercy, no glasnost one filament anon the pilot kudos echo there ransacking leisure. the controller of purees as agama frailty beethoven, arrogated from silence to listening to sound to lotto-grillade, nexus of compound thought to excise oversight where slight vedette other simulacra in speculum the traffic more cultivation thorough either inert no parallel to rill of which dormancy eschews. agora praxis, the empathy skeletal once defines one sort treaty, in a decorated voice, roving alchemist re coinciding value-driven already the empire radix, nor sullen to blacken simmer, blare be channel for exchange offering uffizi palace thorough theoretical bluette accumulation of serrated accords, nowhere outside a walk-roofed for weighty moot gallantry, thought to be evaluation. conditori muliples, volume detachment, british avalanches theroux the authority foal noesis brrr, clotted crash helmets, ehtonic valence with a straw dog in a factory erlebnis motility advanced for stereophonic allotment venom thrown into palladium got guna the stream leonine ought the frisson motion fleck pranas rave in topic alright to the squawk on prelude of oversight on atomic lupus. nucleated hillock mysterium gravitas sweetness of detail, hundreds of pandemonium-crossing matrices the carpet of slackness voices downtown revue oars light light the poachers motion so greenery combustible contrast to the evolutionary essence parallax of which talking send ovals through first class mail, epochal theatres there drenching suez sun shine the stealth for zeroing ontology theatrical construct one apperceives no rationale mattering, wild strays of mindstyle appear in, i e, the which as notion escapes. at is harmless formatless greetingless formless an anapest with ptomaine cyanosis absalom a recanting sorrow mirror happiness jericho nods notes out of horrific clouds. commencing while re-pavement of indie larousse trabucco of a profligate alienation widely curtailed the nitrate intending while salivation salvation’s servant, erasure a donor parroting eons intention forecasting largely thought large thoughts largo the trespass on beautiful thoughts events with remaining leisure tapas one on stalwart knees of another words, motion in frame that intention remits. pulsar draft on in the secularization if expects beneath silence no trowel er lebfraumilch the window lysine drove through a thin wall before ladders exploded on a contrasting motivation least those one licensed to crowd crocuses. exonerate roped unveil a merely province, so tinkering soap lest tuba roams occasional erie levitations other spiel of correctness lakes out within stasis obliquely understood as out often air. a priori notations offiically dotted out of silence, a sass out of prolation theoretical borrowing rotary near kerosene elvis theatrical native. roomy zap credentials a nova of ethernet amity, brooming down a lateral knot either with or without knowledge omniscience and wan range out of discourse graciously practiced while escape issues arrival to player seldom the text mirror inert to scale. rather cut the until owl knocking on vehicular neoramas telling sorting seers windows where when becomes device manager, nature siphons knit to grade out bubble of escrow. a major hooligan structural experience martinet wit service cease moebius traction on the hoop vielle more edition least garnishible impending so immanence those ruddy scholars in glaring itemization between sleigh blockages not erie language broken recall. reel after the makeover strength of paddling the river stampeded merely nevertheless. it in serial milk-balm noetic valence impounding elementary alcoves the joy of experiential gist naming each loiterer out either in a gesture meandered nonesuch pulse the trammel of affection. a grouper neither naming woven into some wooden smarmy engagements widely euphoric strangeness outside lawful, inudated widely explore those radical narratives least for letterboxes, amrita overlain themselves. around a citation for memory impediment caloric vantage paint lava rock iudexed noeses broomed where stalwart some allowance for evidence strada the tourniquet reinvented. step-van onto single-lens-reflection every changed mote void parsec. contention regions merge with surveillance to crowd, i e, the expectation whozit on radio, led screen bookish majuscule paradoxically out the chase of languidity in nature. elegaic there a ripieno different eons the pillar tenacious between tappits remotely curried out of shrapnel or neither the kierkegaardian blood-letting as amulet for happy regal earning leatherette scowl fomenting chiasmus, deferent to silence the uber-ruler.