thunder-book pt 09 05.03.08

part nine. neem coefficient fortuitous el dorado ei those presuming nine eleven the narrow oak bin, peals of oliphant light on-site tectonic personality, roe clarionette loquacious free zone otherwise crank press releases toon litany of supremacies, thought ousia a metal orbit. as narrow largesse throes of determinate ice, mica thralldom co-existence blur ocean bolt in velocity once saurian pullet plots of francinsense nougat on rinse ofpersisted nature truly the comported. of yore when incandescent majorities citizens toll remittances, veer celestial broom alizarin thoughts in career of ampoule designating something warded off chosen literatures those impartial beckoning that shrill voice in bias of tourniquet mir genera those pulling choke-holds, evasive to contacting elemental vistavision. plus a greeting vero beach at sunset whereas befuddling a cram over glom kaolin the open hold on ligatures the fitness waterfallen those pundit. meniscus tract oversight the everywhere nowhere blues, commonsense on blight oomph celebes kalossi of proffered ingredients mean to slight no ceiling forgone in iffy ceasing nothing bat on holding pattern, least where a floodlights don of esplanade, the thin line. anno dominis, light where retraced all denizen’s preciously negating motions, leave laissez faire orison the plodding wherever in cadre or spume, a value draft while procurers, while space small operators lean-tos the loft on southern visitation, moonsong isthmus nodding form laddered out of pasttime ventures, nothing least forth minutiae, deploring silence’s endgame, bleach over the trotter zany chorister spiel where nothing except naked manners matters on vacant isomer of prevalent motion. admission graffiti spaced notions elemental foresting aprille the salvation of poetry, thinking oneselv overshot unusual torsion the bleeder if initialization muffet porous leaning through some apse natured from insistence. haibun iterating seldom scenery widely maintained so raffle, peaceful that impartial coven parish-met with asylum of detritus near, endgame impulses return of literature lysine those brahma bulls, emetic language each nit-picked evidence numbered willing all space returnable. analyzing chakras invent a situation of wizard tell difficulties gather of shout-out in factions beliefs saturate invoices moviegoers, contrarist everlast noesis of public rendezvous, therein stateless as piracy undulation meriting essential issue of causation messages. the weevil knotted bitterness a value for tides over palanquin meerkats, animal between forthcoming alliance the get-somewhere go-somewhere strut of wily paradoxes, trading realities wakeful ocean to snapdragon electorates, mumbling vantage-poot aversion nasty boeing clattering in russett vendor pileates. cafeteria mumbo-gash viewpoint heaviness apathy eccles the chapter stones nowhere thought none too simple. as correctly the overshot palette of renegade piecharts gab silent notations elision perhaps knowledge apperception learning sarcasm, the fedora of salt and pepper shotputs, vellum spans alligator-clamps, nature skids with annual perceptions the pillar of destination’s echo voice’s cartouche the omission for a grafted space, alloting in the breach annotations left oases before traffic collation’s enviable croaking, frission nottingham the purist avalanche popularization of emptiness, karma in regulation for a whimsy detournee widget wherever contortions must bead into loci of raspberry commencements, latinate every shape thought to fearsome an pilot wishing first was thought, impressionable the changeability more salient cessna to float inventions summation the brievary clueless in settler’s exception, belief in changeability persisting a beaded notion forgone input each heat-put misinterpretation. contrary to explication enough tangibility escapes to revoice a partition slats void insisting moonsongs while placards ei the memorandum least dint of ditto not ahead, some un-run routine sallying forth ego in clouds norumbeg rafters on gear. as maintained forgetful widely nothing said nothing done everything piu mosso those pretenses of fabrication to motives grammatized leap=frog undulations leapt through window those public insisting machines defer to slices. is it a pretense, tissue of preciousness aversely document nugget inner soul-catcher, those premonitions salute a glorious negativity at least while deferring expectation inner solitude merriment laughter allure of elegant nights shown doormats ownership of actions compressed and with or without skillets, the broom on various occasions thinking essence of poetry admission of between behaviors, the connotation soft and stunted wisps under chairme of slight empirical necessity who understands. elastic natures defer to silence and motion where at least halfway the joy invaluable incorporation of with the fantastic promptness one sleigh-bell as serration. the value of which hastens those broken sturdily ivory as gameplan would betoken thinking those revalued where kitsch of the mainstream, selling eventual mindsets their summarization perhaps bow outside rules, lines tensilar for aggregate munition some darkness each, nevertheless afterthoughts drawings slowly sighted infractions those to hebrides and slovenia trackshoes evolutions whose wholly conducive next thousand events, a thin drama call it dharma, the repenting somewhere indicated on flurry operating outside a swarm of beginnings. like piano. a smarmy oyez tariff whet togetherness each left longing music ghost of each the caveat in umbrella therefores, tones within shaped references, a detainee with sprockets to glom in crave. a narrow choleric weeps cajoling the truth embedded realitizes a cruciform leaning those in memorization for windless aporia emerging saluted with crooner’s debut, call it before beginner’s mind, a creature those explanations emptiness vacates with flashy cards and beowulfian strength otherwise callous through inroads the prepared nitre bolshevikis trapezoidal notions well coherent taken in piloted downstream, mallard and fawn for the ride practicuum wholly epochal the ornate motivations meaning to rally before is. battered furniture trends foom partaken separate to issue, one donates echoes and references, those took a balance shot with no replacement framing vessels those impartial. solve issue trespass while drama folds pages of irony those caught anorexic snorers, the boors revering collossal emergency, ludic indications elapse. woven in is the realization words doorway to sedimentation, each lecturn invisible trane meringue othered on frolic imbroglio not rerun, the ocean liner widely monastic, cake eaten as well. in a cadre of ei othering so laddered outside intending sore doubter, a switch of endless load-out thinks refusal the casein network least nub of casein vowel-clot. a ration forms whereas log-jams immerse co-closeness on a vacancy proiferating somatic academy unit-awareness solo definition narration of ei ie the hold onward classics those remembrances deterrent to pillars described in sucrose and caffeine literature melancholy derivates those summing up on a marginal impedance though to rename a swirl in conceptual eachness joined inner floor bauds in seraphim, rosin the cradle on vacancy-mode so certain. gone thensome thought in gestural pear-shaped immersions not the escape. a lot of para-kirtan separately inert evening songs so wide of circumstance no evening willowy throughput this ocean vistavision hastens to be, as in one inference tool kirtan of seeking the mindset one action-free each cache of duffers on bleed, nothingness something’s amidst working those gravitation ecru degraded ousia captures the brain-song of motion imbibes collectivity as that, it is said. a greeting wisely protected is soon beurre in choice to aorta-culvert bloom the avenir no chokehold ballast kitsch in ear ie those sumptuous letters woven from accidie, those mentioning laughter will behave on slaughter-houses in earthen orbit. a whitlock of eisen grammatical copain, so phases the rendition language before light after light during illbience of memory. jarred itselv in onrush oppressive claim oneselv in a precocity nth decree with allure of which foretold the heather one thin monograph aboutfacing visages of repatriazation, norm of the essential groom, repavement laborious throat-song is not if no concern temerity cloak and faetor those motionless in between acharya treatment, vouchsafes those proffering some betterment of dial-up, nature this staple dreadlock nominal thinking sole anagram of presence trapped in grip of earliness one bavardez a notion latinate neutrality never leased but alternatives to immortality. ratcheting a basement of curtailed matterhorn clues on in the ferro-grammatical numbness platinum eachness the devoided of mission waiting elevated whereas fluid parsing therefore which wordplay involute on acceleration for breathers in open earth pool-tics, pervasive thinking wrought of before between though manufacturer’s manifest grateful and loaded with surprises theorems clouded with spoken missives those two took befudding stealth impetuousness is animation’s leatherette sofa. a tuba if acquaintance should be half-way it is nowhere theirselv in unveiling statement’s flurry poot dendrite impresario the nominee laconic candor wanes with sleight-of-hand, none too soon, the cravat longtemps a tressle without intention for refusal moritat cumbersome natural infiity, elastic thought-forms, text driven ample yammering by testamentary igloos. imposing rhetoric than simulcast thrashers devolve accuracy’s tangibity earlobe held by god’s hands keeping laptop the stealth if of windless rooms later in nighttime, seen that inversion invasion intention intraction infraction infarction membraneous the relatedness waiving emotional surmounting, so what is seen is what conjures itselv allowed. a karmakat lineated from cold air, imagines other sides offed in the peasant-correction, small choice the reviewer smattering on if snafu trollop eventul clarification the exegesis made in italy emotional memorization blueprints severing nothing by, merely. mp3s every ego moribund in salaam, conscious erewhon the strives thousands on intimacy meant vowel consequence of deterence a moon in striation each leafing through imposing treason, viable consequent of either naming tooa a potentate in mirror eaves loafing celebes kalossi imbroglio the fanzine pancking vein of starry-eyeds, urgent languages trailer copious threaded moonsong, vehement token of silence on otherwise orbiting mavenhood silk and trailing widgets, a frantically burden-no-longer jubilation foom grebe solarcaine the trousseau nor mindstyle formally puddle triathlon vestiges. more those cyclic and tanager-venues prevalent to moodswings bottled up incandescent fire-sale. a complexity non-actuality each grommet so lipsynched to advantage, one skein of trash iffy thought-forms debate curtailment of excised motion. exisitence not travai the enchanted bevy forming a scrutiny opaque lightly supremacy the dual contingent satiric accord in rubric trash out the commonsense toner ceiling, commonsense easement on gibbons. as decay settles a range of offerings leisure-placement, no conditional or queued confidence, some nuance breathing alarum incorporeal disembodied mall trooper, clear-cut hair-piece, avesta the knowledge for the discourse, the discourse for the proliferation of consciousness variably pretense of which dragged through ice admitting sheepish naivetes, bundy tramp steamer the call operating of over a signature evolution leap year a nuance too broken for trepidation mercifully abrogation of for exigent melodies, their card and commission, terra firma why as ever. each stasis in brow-beating, more the travail imperiously candy-store, even tissued out of scalene clues, the oceanside invalid concord oggi motion in sham bulletin sauternes glimmer list-meber oversight understood as happening slurs ever nightly. each navel impractibility oscilates motion witnessed frame by frame graciously the acorn-bluely treaspassed a mission’s compulsory attendance drink this. a bet where infininity seen outside a wonder of slick-fitness no balance to oil-candle ontological stuttering-machinery. the bloat on various open door terms, the disagreement libertine and feasible those thousand ersatz itselv no oboe fortress, lightly am fill-auras of the infernal tartan misty hematropic nullify each news of commentary which waver gears upward. arc of derives thousands hudding for wealth indication formless mindset in same erooner those hands of godo remembered, at a granary plus-ten notified over this house a raffle avuncular that repeats. a bauble of incredulity varies noon pero neem gratitude los angels barking clear-cut hair-piece frail bigots everywhere, lean to inversely sunbathing nowhere on description of majority. skitterish that tanka veracity, some number of leaning gears the redundance milligrams, a portion described while conifer slowdown the footfalls each transient moot cling echoing a circle. told the ocean in a salute leases of nature sizzling verticals, bunny on trail with dancing bears chattering mannerisms without existence to croon. a contortion meddles wakeful of supreme gimcrack invention. nor the epaulet-mystery to laggard inertia, breath-work the silt in mouth whereas fulfillment each numbered willing the proctored first offer to flange of precision’s multiple, each weaves a coccyx bureaucracy of the iota, spot-check reimbursemet lightly which adamantine co-addiction to renga if necessity processes the dramatic leaning through endless year-games, out of the soup into the resultants, at least northern incoherence traveling with surmised papyrus. at a rampage with woooden fulcrums the dancer of welcome determinate colea wars, numb from severed phalange through an island opted for mighty gracefulness. 

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